Chapter 3 - "I'm going to break your nose, because I don't like your face."

Start from the beginning

"You would think that, wouldn't you?"

"Should I be ready to block?"

Carter eyed him for a long moment.

"You tell me?" she said. "Got something more to hide than fake glasses and a weird co-dependency on Donovan?"

"You don't pull your punches do you? Is there something wrong with having a friend?"

Carter shook her head.

"No. And I have a Navy Seal for a father, pulling punches was not something I was taught."

Link nodded.

"It's a new school and Donovan is the only person I know here," he said.

His voice was even, but there was a hint of defensiveness in his tone.

"Alright, we'll stick with that answer then. Where is your bodyguard anyway?"

Link adjusted his glasses and gave her a baffled look.

"What do you mean body guard?" he asked, his tone echoing his expression.

"Donovan. You described him yesterday as the person who kept the bullies away. Hence my use of the title bodyguard."

Link let out an understanding chuckle.

"Right. He is two rows back."

Carter twisted around. Donovan sat beside a blonde who was leaning close to him. His gaze met Carter's and she gave him a brief nod. He returned the gesture, his face as expressive as a white wall. The girl caught the nod and turned her attention to Carter, her eyes going fierce. Carter smirked and turned away as the bell rang.

"Phones away. If I hear one ring or ding it's mine," Mr. Miller said.

The room stilled and class started.


An hour later the bell rang, sending the room into a flurry of motion. Carter pulled on her messenger bag and followed Link out of the classroom. Footsteps and voices resounded through the hallway. Before he could ask, Carter leaned against a set of lockers and waited. A moment later Donovan stepped from the doorway.Carter pushed herself off the lockers and started walking, Link and Donovan falling into step beside her.

A sharp laugh cut through the thick layer of voices, followed by a weak protest. Carter stopped walking and looked around. Further down the hallway stood a semi circle of guys, facing a set of lockers. Without saying anything, Carter moved over to them. Link and Donovan exchanged a look before following. Another protest reached Carter as she stepped up to the group of guys.

She flicked the ear of the guy on the outside of the semi circle. As he turned, she forced herself into the center of the circle. Cringing against the lockers was a gangly, freckled faced boy with glasses. Carter stood with her back to him facing the semi circle of guys. The group instinctively took a step back.

"Good morning gentlemen. A little early for this much testosterone, isn't it?" she asked. Her gaze met that of one of the middle guys. "Hey Zac, how's the shoulder?"

Zac rolled his shoulder reflexively.

"Hurt pretty bad when the nurse popped it back in, didn't it?" Carter gave a careless shrug. "I offered to do it for you."

The guy beside Zac waved his hand, cutting off any response Zac might have.

"This is none of your business Owens, just leave," he said.

Carter raised her eyebrows and nodded.

"True, but you have no business, getting into Edmond's business. So I have decided, since each of us aren't minding our own business, to get involved in this business."

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