Chapter 2 - "You really have no boundaries, do you?"

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"You've been watching?"

"Sure, like you watch a wildlife documentary, where the lion is about to kill the gazelle," Carter said.

"So I'm the lion?" Donovan said.

Carter gave him a patronizing smile.

"Oh, I never said that," she said.

She bit into a chicken finger, studying Donovan and Link. Groups of girls passed by their table, some tossing out smiles in Donovan's directions, others swinging their hips with more effort. Carter watched as Donovan noticed the girls but had no reaction to it. Her attention eventually shifted to Link.

"Are you going to tell me why you wear fake glasses or should I ignore this fact?" she asked.

Donovan's hand paused for half a heart beat and Link coughed on his sandwich, his eyes watering slightly. Carter handed him a water bottle and he accepted it grateful.

"How do you know my glasses are fake?" Link asked.

"I'm going to pretend like you didn't just call me stupid and repeat the question. Why the fake glasses?"

Link's eyes flicked to Donovan.

"You really have no boundaries, do you?" Donovan asked.

"Boundaries are for those who aren't smart enough to see their way through them. Now?"

Link shrugged, though he struggled to make the action casual.

"I feel comfortable in them," Link said.

"Right, ignoring the fake glasses fact," Carter said.

"I'm starting to understand a little more the reason for the empty table," Link said, grinning.

"No one asked you to sit down here. I sure didn't."

"Why leave when you are about the most entertaining person I've met all day?" Link said.

Carter gave him a mock bow.

"My only aim in life is to please."

Link snorted. A group of students walked past, wealth spilling out of every pore. Link's hands formed half fists. The first son was among the group.

"It appears I'm not the only one who's not a fan of Mason Douglas, first son, future savior of America," Carter said.

Link started at Carter's words.

"What would make you say that?" Link asked.

"Seriously?" she said. "Do I have a stupid sign on my forehead or something? I'm not blind. Anyone with half a brain and barely working retina could tell. You two have beef or something?"

The group took a neighboring table, their voices doubling the volume of the cafeteria. Mason's gaze landed on their table. His jaw flexed in response and he turned away.

"Apparently you do have beef. What is it?"

Link focused on the table, playing with part of his sandwich.

"Do you ever get tired of being smart?" Donovan asked, before Link could respond.

"Always," Carter said.

Link looked up and smiled.

"It was just a question, Link," she said. "Answer. Don't answer. It's your choice. Punch me in the face if you want. Although I wouldn't advise that last one, I'd lay you out flat before you knew what happened."

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