"Were you thinking about doing it today?" Michael then asked, still a little curious while looking at his boyfriend. Calum nodded lightly, still playing with the other's hair. He wasn't sure if Michael was ready, but he hoped so. He kind of just wanted to get it done with and he also knew he and Michael were definitely a long time thing. Which is why he was so ready to introduce him as his mate. Apart from the nerves of course.

"Okay," the boy then said, with a slight nod. "Maybe you should just have a nice, hot shower and not think about it, before we go down for some breakfast and then go tell him. Or first tell him, then breakfast, if you wanna."

Calum smiled at the thoughtfulness of his boyfriend, nodding lightly. "Sounds good. I think that shower will do me some good."

"Me too." Michael smiled widely in return, leaning up to peck Calum's lips. Calum loved that and he also loved how Michael had gotten more comfortable doing that. He had been all shy about it at first, but now he just pecked Calum's lips or cheek without a second thought. And that made not only Calum, but also Michael himself happy.

"Maybe you could totally join me in that shower, to keep me distracted." Calum then said cheekily, giving the boy on top of him this cheeky smile to match. Michael's cheeks coloured a soft pink, but instead of him dismissing the thought right away, like Calum had kind of expected him to do, Michael replied in a teasing tone. "Thanks for the offer, but maybe next time."

Michael grinned as he got up from the other and moved away to go get dressed himself, having been in just his boxers and a shirt of Calum's. Calum was left on the bed, kind of just staring right ahead at what Michael had just said, before being quick to get up and follow the bleached blonde boy to the bathroom.

The showering and dressing went by fast and full of smiles and teasing, in a good way, unlike in the past. Both loved it and both loved how they were so comfortable around each other, in general. After all, Michael had been in the bathroom while Calum showered and neither normally really liked that, but with them, it was okay.

"Breakfast first, or Ashton first?" Michael asked, once the two walked down the stairs. Calum got nervous again then, biting his lower lip and thinking it over. But, the answer was simple. He was too nauseous to eat right now, so he rather just got this over with and then ate. "Ashton."

Michael nodded, carefully pulling Calum to the study, where he knew Ashton would most likely be. If not, he was probably in his room, but the study was the first choice. Calum followed, kind of wanting to let go of Michael's hand, in the hope it would make him more comfortable. But, he knew that action could possibly hurt Michael and he didn't want that. So, he kept ahold of Michael's hand and gulped nervously once the boy knocked on the door to the study.

"Come in."

The two entered the study, Calum relieved to see it was just Ashton who was sitting on one of the couches. He took a deep breath as they stood in front of the door, looking at Michael once he felt the boy release his hand. Michael simply smiled, giving Calum a light push in the back to Ashton.

The Alpha pushed his glasses a little further up his nose as he put down the book he had been reading, to look at the two properly. He raised an eyebrow, seeming a little surprised to see the two here. "Hey guys. What's up?"

Calum gulped again, shifting on his feet a little, before deciding to straighten his back and tell Ashton what he needed to know. "I um, came to say I found my mate and to um, introduce them. Since that's a formality."

"Oh." Ashton sat up a little more, obviously interested in more details. After all, he couldn't remember that Calum had been going out to see someone, so he wondered who it was. "Well, go on, I suppose."

The Beta took a slightly deep breath, looking back at Michael shortly, before keeping his eyes on Ashton. "Ashton, I want you to meet Michael as my mate, or um, yeah, I'm not sure how else to say that. Since, well, you know him. But um, yeah. We're boyfriends."

Michael blushed a little, but smiled at the way Calum called them boyfriends. He loved that and especially whenever Calum would say that. He blushed a little more once he felt Calum's slightly sweaty hand take his, but he gladly held it and stepped closer to the Beta.

Ashton blinked in surprise as he took the two in, obviously not having seen this coming. But, he then got up with a smile, approaching the two and pulling them in a tight hug. Michael let out a soft squeak at the sudden embrace, but he smiled once he felt Calum hold the two of them as well, returning the gesture himself.

Once Ashton had released them, he took them in again with a smile. "Wow. Well, I didn't expect that, but I'm happy for the two of you. And well, approval would be obvious. I know the two of you, so no need to worry about that."

Calum chuckled, smiling widely when knowing Ashton accepted them that easily. He didn't even approach Calum differently and that was the biggest relief for the Beta. Ashton didn't and most likely wouldn't treat him differently. Which, honestly, he should have known. After all, it was Ashton he was talking about, the most open-minded and kindhearted person he had ever met.

"I'm happy for you guys. As will the rest be, but that will come with time. Tell them when you two are ready." Ashton kept smiling, patting Calum's shoulder and watching the two go off after that. He then sat back down on the couch he had previously been sitting on, waiting for it all to sink in before continuing with his book. It was still a bit of a surprise, the two of them. But, like he had told them, he was happy for them.

"See, no need to worry." Michael mumbled, once the two entered the kitchen. Calum let out a deep breath, but nodded with a smile, pulling the boy close and right against him. "Thanks."

Michael smiled, wrapping his arms around the Beta gladly. "No problem. At all."

Calum hummed, cupping the boy's face and leaning in to kiss him softly. He smiled as he felt Michael kiss back right away. The bleached blonde felt the smile, which made his cheeks heat up a little again, but he also smiled. He just wasn't able to stop himself, as he felt really happy in that moment. Unbelievably happy.

It was a given that they would stay happy, to the both of them, together with their pack. Happy, in love, and all well and safe. Sure, there would probably be things that were less good or happy. But they could get through all these things together, really. They were friends, a pack, a family. They could take anything and come out stronger.

As long as they were together, out in the woods.

Out in the Woods [5SOS AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora