Search and . . . Stupidity?

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"You go search the living room and kitchen right now James, Louis." Older Hermione ordered them. The two boys gaped at her, everyone else got to go play outside but they were stuck looking for a little cardboard box?

"But Aunt Hermione!" they whined together giving her big pleading eyes. She didn't waver one bit.

"No buts go!" The two turned and hurried into the kitchen, knowing they shouldn't push her. As they went the others could here their whispered conversation.

"Where did you put it?" James muttered.

"Me?" Louis exclaimed, looking scandalized. "I didn't have it!"

"Yeah you did! 'Cause I sure didn't!"

"Well I don't have it either, stupid."

"Stupid? That's ironic seeing who said it!"

"Touché, Potter, touché."

Then they disappeared into the now pink room and they could only barely hear their grumbles as Teddy called after them, being overly cheerful, "Don't choke on the confetti!"

Older Hermione spotted Fred and George pulling their hats on as they chattered on and on to Tonks and Charlie about something in the newest issue of Witch Broomstick and weaved in and out of the others to get to them. She stopped next to them and tapped their shoulders. Turning George cried, "Who be tapping our shoulders?"

Older Hermione rolled her eyes and said sternly, "You should be helping your nephews find that reverse spell."

The twins seemed uncomfortable at first and said defensively, "We only helped hem set it up, one of them had the box. We don't know where it is."

"You should still help them." Older Hermione muttered. "So go in and help." When they opened to protest again she didn't even let them start, she just cut across them. "I'm older than you so you have to go listen to me!"

"Well if you want to do go that far," Fred said raising his eyebrows as his and George's eyes twinkled. "We are from the past though, so actually we are older than you!"

"Fight with that logic, Hermione." Tonks joked as she walked outside Remus and Charlie on either side of her.

Hermione scowled at Fred and George, they had a point. And then she stalked off muttering something about them that was not too flattering about the twins.

Louis's hair was now purpler and than its usual silvery-blond due to the bit of glop from the volcano flew out and landed on top of his head. He was crawling underneath the table, sifting through the piled of frills and hearts, eyes peeled for the box he and James had brought along to the past with them.

He jumped and ended up hitting his head on a chair leg when James called from across the room.

"Find anything!" he howled as though they were on different sides of a Quidditch field, not on opposite sides of a small kitchen. Then he started sniggering when he heard the loud 'thump' Louis head made against the chair.

The young Weasley crawled out from under the table rubbing the bump on his head. He scowled when James began laughing harder seeing his purple hair.

"Oh shut up." He growled, playfully. "At least I'm not a walking valentine."

James stopped laughing, confused. He looked down at himself and gaped. He was somehow covered from head to toe in the pink hearts, and a bit of lace hung from his glasses.

"Bloody hippogriffs!" He yelped. "How did that happen?" He began to brush himself off hurriedly but stopped when an amused voice came from the kitchen doorway.

"I shouldn't hear you saying that."

Both eleven year olds spun around blinking. Ginny smirked at them and the sixteen year old girl moved forward.

"What are you doing?" Louis asked.

"Helping." Ginny said with a bright smile as she reached out and pulled the lace off of James's glasses. "Did you find anything?"

"Nope!" they both cried looking aggravated.

They went back to work then searching the rest of the kitchen, though they tried to stay away from the cat/plate/thing. Then they looked throughout the whole sitting room too.

Finally defeated the three collapsed into armchairs. "Nothing!" James exclaimed. "Absolutely nothing."

"Damn." Ginny muttered under her breath so the boys wouldn't hear her. All of the sudden a thought came to her. No, they can't be that stupid not to think of. . . .

"Did you check your pockets, perhaps?" she asked looking at them warily. Louis stared at her and then at his cousin who was blinking slowly. They shoved their hands into their pockets but then came up empty handed. "What about Fred and George then?"

"Let's go and ask!" James hopped out of his seat and ran out the door Louis following. Both were brimming with the hope that they would get to stop looking soon.

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