Quidditch and Conversations

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Bill was rifling through an old trunk of gloves and scarves and winter hats in the mudroom, finally pulling out a pair of scarlet mittens. "Here you go Al these should fit."

The boy smiled and pulled them on over his small hands. "Thanks, Uncle Bill. They fit fine." Then he followed his younger uncle out of the Burrow, past the frosted garden, and into the snow covered orchard where all of the other Weasleys and kids were with there brooms.

James and Harry were talking about the dangers of being Seekers and the best way to avoid bludgers. While close by Ron was looking delighted as Rose talked non-stop about Keeping. He looked up as Bill went by and whispered, "I can't believe it she is just like Hermione except she loves Quidditch, it's wonderful!"

Al heard someone giggling and turned to see his mother tying up her fiery hair in a ponytail and then pulling a matching red knit cap over her head.

"A dream come true, right Ron." she smirked. Ron's ears went red and he muttered something under his breath and walked back over to his future daughter. Good thing Aunt Hermione isn't here. Al thought. She didn't want to play Quidditch with them so she had stayed back at the house with their grandparents, Teddy's father, Fleur, and Lily (who wanted to help Molly and Fleur make dinner). Charlie had left to tell his boss that he would have to be taking a few days off for "impotant family matters" and would be back for dinner tonight.

"Alright everyone!" Bill called over the chatter. "The teams captains will be me and Teddy." Immediately there were complaints.

"Wait I wanted to be a captain."-Louis
"Harry should be one, he's Gryffindor's captain this year!"-Fred
"No, Fred, I really don't want to be one."-Harry
"You? I want to be!"-George

Bill sighed and looked at Al and Hugo, who were the closest and the quietest. He shook his head then yelled again. "Oi! Everyone, shut it! I picked Teddy and I because I'm the oldest here, and he's the oldest from the future." There were some grumbles but the others nodded and George called "Alright then captain's take your picks."

Teddy went first looking around then said "I pick . . ."

The teams ended up that Bill's team the Chasers were him, Ginny, and Al, the Beaters were Hugo and Fred, Ron was the Keeper, and James, the Seeker.

Teddy and George were the Beaters for Teddy's team, Harry was the Seeker, the Chasers were Victoire, Tonks, and Louis, and Rose was Keeper.

"Since we can't use the Bludgers and Snitch, I'm going to enchant these two old Quaffles here to go around and be substitute Bludgers. Then I'll turn this golf ball gold and enchant it to act like a Snitch but stay in the orchard." Fred told everyone who murmured their agreement.

When they started to play Ginny immediatley grabbed the Quaffle and sped up the field. George shot a perfectly aimed "Bludger" that wacked her on the arm making her release it so Victiore swooped in and grabbed it.

Cursing at her brother angrily under her breath Ginny turned and flew after her niece. James floated above keeping an eye out for the spark of gold the was the golf ball/Snitch, his father a couple yards above him doing the same thing.

Victiore passed the Quaffle to Tonks who caught it quickly and then shot off quickly towards Ron. Then Al came up next to her out of nowhere, and the boy snatched the Quaffle from her, turning away at the same time, all in one deft movement. He quickly went up the field then as Louis came at him he threw it to Bill and ducked under his cousin.

After a few more passes between the Chasers on Bills team the Quaffle ended up back in Al's hand just as he was in front of his best friend. "Hey, Rosie!" he called happily as he whipped the Quaffel towards her and it flew threw the left hoop.

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