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They all trooped into the kitchen after taking off all of their snow dampened clothes. Taking their seats Fred and George sat as far as they could from Ginny who still had a angered look on her face but they were so amused to see her sit next to Harry while blushing slightly they snickered. Ginny immediately shot them a look of venom and they ducked their heads and stared intently at their plates.

Molly bustled around making sure everyone had taken enough food and asked as she took her seat "What was that snowball fight about you looked like you were killing each other out there."

Almost everyone who had been out there laughed, the only ones who didn't were Fred and George (who were scared of what their sister would do to them if they said anything), Ginny (who was now looking quite pissed off and murderous), and Harry (who honestly was quite ticked about the whole thing, too, I mean you finally tell a girl you like her, then kiss her, and it's ruined by two snowballs smacking you in the face-Why did I fall for a girl with six older brothers? And then get her pregnant three times, do I have a death wish in the future? he thought).

"Harry and Ginny were kissing and Fred and George threw snowballs at them to break them up. Then Ginny was really ticked so she seriously whipped the two and it started the whole fight." Teddy smirked

Molly blinked and turned to her daughter and surrogated son "You were kissing?" Harry sunk down into his seat blushing furiously-redder than Ginny's hair. And Ginny brushed a strand of her hair away from her face (A really pretty face too. Harry thought a little dreamily then thought confused, Wait what did I just think?) she muttered something under her breath and said outloud-"Yes, so?"

The Weasley boys all flinched when she said that knowing it was not a smart thing to say to their mother. Molly just raised an eyebrow at her daughter and said "If I wasn't happy that you too finally did someting about your feelings I would be very mad at that answer."

Harry looked up at Mrs. Weasley and asked "Wh-what do you mean 'finally did something about your feelings'? And you aren't. . . mad?" To his surprise Molly laughed at that.

"Mad why on earth would I be mad? I'm ecstatic especially because I know you'll be getting married I know you will really be a part of the family and that you won't, well, dump her and hurt her."

"Then we'd have to hurt you." Charlie murmured a note of hostility in his voice but instead of being scared Harry was strangely horrified that they thought he might do that. "I would never do that Mrs. Weasley. He said desperately looking up at her imploringly. She stared fondly back at him and answered "I know Harry."

Nobody knew that at that second Ginny reached out and grabbded Harry's hand intwining her fingers in his. He was oddly comforted at this small gesture and sqeezed her hand gently. Molly continued then "And I may be old dear but I'm not stupid. I could tell that you had feelings for Ginny I just decided not to say anything."

"Of course you knew-your the all seeing Mum." Bill sighed with a playful smile to his mother who just rolled her eyes.

All of the sudden a high ringing sound came from Victiore's back pocket she quickly scrambled to get her phone out and when she did she held it before her staring at it as though she'd never seen it before.

"I didn't know it would work over years."she gasped. "Well answer it!" Teddy cried. Louis started waving his hands around shaking his head while making a hissing noise. "No, No! Don't, it'll be Mum and she'll have a fit!" Ignoring her brother (though it would have been wiser to listen to him) she opened th phone and pushed the talk button.

2014-The Burrow

Ginny was pacing back and forth in the kitchen as her mother tried to calm her down. Molly wasn't getting anywhere.

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