Who Are The Parents?

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"Well I have to say that is quite a remarkable story." Dumbledore said after Teddy finished their story. "And now your going to have to tell us who you are. Dont worry about disrupting the time stream whoever is coming to get yo will have to modify our memories and that will be that." He smiled at the eight kids and then gestured over to the extra armchairs and couches "You should get comfortable these intoductions might take sometime."

The kids nodded and started to move forward until Al stopped and said "Wait what if there are some people who are important to our lives who aren't here, could you-um, could you please get them?" Everyone else thought about this then nodded in agreement with the boy. "Yes your right, who do you need I'll go get them and bring them back over here." Dumbledore said.

They looked at each other. "Nymphadora Tonks." Teddy immediately blurted out much to everyones surprised. But Dumbledore nodded as though he was excpecting it. "Hermione Granger." Hugo supplied. "Charlie Weasley." Lily beamed eagerly, making everyone else smile at her. Dumbledore nodded taking this all in, "Is that all?" The time travelers nodded and he turned to the Weasleys, Remus, and Harry. "I will be right back with those three and I ask you not to ask them any questions while I'm away."

"Yes, sir." they all replied. Dumbledore turned and walked out the door as all of the time travelers went and sat down.

Teddy and Victoire both sat in armchairs next to each other while Louis perched himself on the arm of Victoire's. James, Al, and Lily all sat together on a couch and Rose and Hugo sat down on another one next to them.

For a second they all sat there in silence, staring at each other then Molly stood up. "How about I go get some snacks, you're all hungry I'm guessing?" The kids nodded and Lily hopped up and asked shyly, "Could I help?" Hugo then scrambled down from where he was sitting "Oh me too, please." he said smiling up at his younger grandmother who practically beamed back at both of them. "Of course dears, it would be nice for the help." she answered shooting a meaningful look over her shoulder at her family who all were pointedly looking away the twins both whistling in an overly nonchalant way much to the others amusement.

Molly sighed and shook her head "Come along then dears." Then walked into the kitchen Lily and Hugo right behind her. After they had left Fleur smiled "That little girl is adorable whats her name?" She directed the last part of the question to Teddy who was the oldest and therefore probably the most reliable. Teddy returned the smile "Her name's Lily and the little boy is Hugo and just so we aren't completely unknown I'm Teddy, thats Victoire and her brother Louis, James and Al, then finally Rose."

Everyone smiled widely nodding to all of them and Bill started to say "Well we are-" but Victoire cut across him, "Oh don't worry we known who you all are." The people from the past looked surprised. "Really?" Ginny asked.

This time James answered "Yes we know you all quite well." There seemed to be and underlying joke to that sentence and they all guessed there was when the other time travelers snorted with amusement and Al leaned over and whispered something in James's ear making him throw back his head and laughed loudly. (In fact Al had said "Well I hope we do since we came from your womb.")

There was a few minutes of bored silence as Teddy and Victoire talked seriously about their problem and James and Louis muttered and sniggered about something. Rose just sat there looking in the photo box she had just recently remembered she was holding. And poor Al sat there looking lost and bored until George hissed "Hey you, Harry look alike, wanna play exploding snap? You look bored out of your mind."

"George," said Ginny repoachfully, "he has a name you know-Al, I think."

"It's Al. Your right." came a soft voice and the two Weasleys looked up and saw the little boy standing there looking at them. "Cool," George smiled "so you want to play exploding snap with us," He gestured to himself and Ginny. "until Professor Dumbledore comes back?"

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