How To Wake Up James Sirius Potter

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Al, Hugo, and James had been put in Ron's room with him and Harry. Lily and Rose with Ginny and Hermione, Remus, Tonks, and Teddy camped down in the sitting room and Victoire and Louis were in Bill and Fleur's room for the night. Everyone in the house imedetely fell asleep exhausted by the strange occurances of that day.

The next morning Teddy sat up looking around helplessly confused. The burrow? Wait I was supposed to spend the night with Harry and Ginny, and is that a gnome on top of the tree? Then it all came back to him the study, James and Louis, breaking the time turner, being in the past, meeting his parents... his parents!

He looked around frantically, they had been sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags after insisting on him taking the couch. The sleeping bags were folded up in the corner neatly and thats when Teddy became aware of voices coming from the kitchen.

He stood up and stretched then walked into the kitchen where Molly, Ginny, Victore, Arthur, Charlie, Fred, George, Bill, and Fleur sat around the table along with his parents. As he sat down in a chair across from Tonks between Victoire and Arthur they all looked up at him and said "Morning Teddy."

He smiled "Morning everyone." he replied. Then tilting his head asked "What are you looking at?" Eyeing the navy blue box with picture in it confusedly, he was sure he had seen it before just couldn't place where.

"The photo box Rose and Al accidently brought back with us." Victoire answered brightly, randomly pulling out a picture from the box then laughing as ahe looked at it.

"What is it?" Teddy asked uncertainly guessing it would probably be embarassing for him. He wasn't disappointed.

The picture was one of him, Victoire, and Dominique when they were little at the Burrow for Christmas. Laughing, smiling, and waving at the camera, they were ages 6 (Teddy), 5 (Victoire), and 4 (Dominique). Teddy had been wearing a red Santa Clause hat with dark green hair to match until Victoire reached up grabbed the hat and put on her own head. Scowling playfully Teddy tried to snatch it back but Victoire danced out of the way and stuck her tongue out at him while Dominique giggled pushing her two red braids away from her face.

"Awww. That's so cute." Tonks cooed peering over her son's shoulder to see the picture just as Fleur pointed to the little redhead in the photo "Who's zat Teddy?" she questioned.

"Your other daughter, my little sister Dominique." Victoire answered. Fleur looked up at Bill and smiled widely "She has your red hair Bill, and freckles." The others couldn't help but chuckle as Bill smiled weakly and said jokingly "Well at least one does, where was she when this" he gestured around widley "happened to you?"

"Back at our house being the good two-shoes she is, probably." a voice said behind them and they turned around to see a yawning Louis plodding down the steps and into the kitchen. His eyes were still half closed the pajamas that they had lent him dishevled and rumpled his sleeked silvery blonde hair sticking up on only one side giving him a slightly comedic look.

Fleur beamed at him as sat next to her, she had always wanted a son. Then she giggled "Your hair Louis."

He blinked at her "What about it mum?" he asked, she sighed reached over and smoothed down his hair that had been standing strait on end. Unlike Harry, Al, or James's hair it immediately fell flat. His cheeks turned pink "Oh yeah I get terrible bed head sometimes, thanks." He flashed her a bright toothy grin then peered at the table and asked Molly "When's breakfast I'm starved."

Victoire rolled her eyes "Your always hungry Louis. I swear-"

"Don't swear Vic it isn't polite especailly in front of mum and dad." Louis tutted shaking his head.

Victoire continued ignoring him completely "You, James, Hugo, and Freddie are like bottomless pitts. Al is the only boy I know who doesn't inhale their food as soon as its set in front of him."

"Why thank you, Victoire... I think." Al's voice said and then he was at the bottom of the stairs. He looked a lot more awake than Louis had and had a happy smile on his face. His black hair was sticking up all over but he knew just as much as everyone else the there was no use in trying to make his hair stay down.

Right behind him followed Rose her bright red curls quite neat and tidy. "I would take it as a compliment Al. You know what the other boys are all like with food." she smiled then added more to herself than anyone else "Pigs." Everyone laughed at that then they all went back to looking at pictures.

Ginny was mostly looking for pictures of her and Harry and their three kids. She had already found some of her wedding and pictures of when the kids were babies and had shown them to her mother while she was cooking breakfast.

Then they heard laughter and as one looked at the staircase. On it were Harry, Ron, and Hermione. And on Harry and Ron's backs were Lily and Hugo who were clinging on for dear life as their fathers stumbled down the stairs. All the laughter was coming from Hermione who seemed quite amused by all of this. When they finally reached the bottom of the stairs the seven year olds slipped down giggling.

"What, pray tell, was that?" George questioned with Fred laughing beside him. Harry shook his head "Hermione wondered if we could give them piggyback rides all the way down the stairs."

"And we did." Ron said happily. But Hermione laughed "You both nearly dropped them a few times." The others around the table exchanged looks and then chorused "No more piggyback rides."

Afterwards things weren't quite as eventful since everyone was down and now they were all just waiting for Molly to finish up breakfast (though all of them pitched in a couple times to help). When she finally finished they all crowded around the table and were going to start eating when Charlie said "Wait where's James."

Everyone looked at each other and then Ron said "I guess he's still asleep upstairs." Then he stood up, "I'll go get him."

A few minutes later a harassed looking Ron came walking down into the kitchen again "It's hopeless, I did everything I could think of but if he wasn't breathing I'd say he was dead. Look he even hit me!" he said pointing to his red cheek. Then Al and Lily started to laugh "Yeah he tends to do that."Al snickered. While Lily giggled "He's a very heavy sleeper."

"Why didn't you tell me that then?" Ron asked. The brother and sister both looking so much like there parents exchanged a glance then they shrugged and said together "You didn't ask."

The others chuckled at their antics and Al said "Okay let me try." Then he cried in louder voice than any of the people from the past had heard him use before and yelled "James mum is making chocolate chip pancakes and you'd better get your butt down here before we eat them all!"

There was quiet for a second then a loud thump was heard from upstairs and then a strangled cry "Wait! Don't start eating I'll be right there save me a big one-" WHAM! "Oww! Since when is there a bloody bed there!" SMACK! "Where are my glasses maybe I'll stop hitting my head off of everthing if I could see."

Then he came thumping down the stairs then stopped right in front of the table pouting "Those aren't mum's pancakes." Everyone was trying so hard not to burst out laughing but it was really hard because James's red hair hair was pointing in every possible direction including straight up, his glasses were crooked on his nose, and his bright brown eyes were still a bit bleary from sleep.

"Oh just sit down and eat James." Victoire told him. He sighed but obeyed and sat down next to her. Then after that entertaining show that tucked into the wonderful looking breakfast that Molly had prepared for them.

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