Chapter 13 - Big decision

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We hear the doorknob rattle as we hear three different voices. "You're back!" I take a sigh of relief as I see Silver, mum and dad enter unharmed. "Mum!, dad!" I run up and hug them both. I then turn to Silver who was standing next to Titania who was laying on the couch. I run up and hug him. "I'm so glad you're alright". I then hear dad clear his throat. "Oh.. this is Silver... my boyfriend" I decided to come straight out because they will find out and not to mention they know when i'm lying. "Sonya... we know what happened" She looks at me. I suddenly look at Silver then at my parents. Did he tell them about the baby that might not even exist? "You do?" I say a bit nervous. "Yeah" my father continues from mum's words. "We know about what happened in the lab". I then sigh a bit but very quietly and unnoticeable. Mother then looks at me right into my eyes. "Has something happened Sonya?" I look at mum. "No... hey Seth can I speak to you for a sec?" I grab his hand and lead him into my bedroom closing the soundproof door. "I thought they were gonna say about the pregnancy, but I will tell them tonight". Silver looks at me. "Of course I wouldn't tell them about it as we both have to and also... I wouldn't tell your father, I have a feeling he doesn't like me so much". I sigh. "Yeah sorry about him, he's just an overprotective father. You do realise we still have to tell him". He looks at me hesitant but then says "Yeah, you're right". Before Silver leaves I stop him for a sec. "Oh and... we have this thing that can tell us if we are pregnant or not, right now not saying it is one hundred percent correct but it says that I am still" He turns to me and gently cups one of his hands on my face before kissing me on the forehead. "I won't leave your side, not if I can help it". I smile and he smiles back before he leaves the room.

It was dinner time, the family gather while me and Silver just sat at the table as we said we needed to discuss something with them. Titania stayed around as she knew what it was. As Claire and Dannel start eating they look at me waiting to speak as well as Kayla with a mouth full of spaghetti. "So... there's no easier way to say this so i'm just going to say straight out that I think I might be... " I never thought it would be so hard to say but I take a deep breath to say, "I think i'm pregnant". Straight away Dannel nearly chokes on his food while Claire's eyes widen looking at me and Silver then back to me. "You're getting that thing taken out now!" Father says shouting in an angry voice after recovering from choking. My heart just shattered. Hearing that word made me feel so sad my instincts came into play as I held my belly to protect the unborn. "Hang on!" Claire shouts at Dannel. "She said might be... and if she is it will be HER choice not yours!" Claire death stares Dannel. "SHE'S TOO YOUNG TO MAKE THE DECISION AND THAT'S FINAL!". You could tell Silver didn't like my father's words and decided to speak up. "You do realise you are not just harming the child if there is one, it also affects the mother who's carrying the unborn child. I don't think you should decide for Sonya. Yes it was both of our mistake but it is up to us what we decide and whatever Sonya choses I WILL be there for her". Hearing him stand up for me and mum was a definite thought but the way he said it amazed me. His choice of words and keeping his tone down for most of the speech. Dannel on the other hand didn't see it that way. "YOU! It's all because YOU came that this disaster happened!". He storms off as his words have been defeated and slams the door. Claire looks at me as I look down. "I'm with Seth on this, whatever you chose I will support you and your father will too he just needs to get his head around this, i'll go talk to him". I smile as mum gets up and hugs me before heading off to speak with Dannel.

That night dad would NOT let Seth sleep in my bedroom and he had to sleep on the couch. Seth said it was fine but it's not like Seth can do anything more to me, seriously! I'm pregnant. I can't get pregnant when I am already. I then lay on my side seriously thinking as I hold my belly. I can't kill what we created. I want to keep this baby safe in my arms when it's born and hold it for the first time. 

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