Chapter 11 - The only place I know

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After we had stopped by a dead body to eat we head off into a direction hoping to find a place to stay. "Hey where are we going?" Silver says as I perked my ears and sped up. "I think I hear cars.." he keeps up with me. "Yeah you know transport that humans use". I reply not looking back. "Transport?!". He stops as I stop. "Ok this may not make sense to you but you know how I had a human life?" he nods "I'm going back". I go to turn and head off again but he grabs my arm. "Wait what?! That's suicide humans don't even know about us.. Well most there's like only three possible humans that know about us." "That maybe true" I say "But I know my mother loves me more then anything and so does my dad and little sister.. Besides that's the only place I know to go to right now". He looks at me unsure but he smiles and says, "Wherever you go i'm coming with you since we are both in this together". I smile back as we go a bit further I then see a road. "All we have to do is follow the road now". He looks at me "I'll teach you names of things in the human world when we get closer".

On the Journey which seemed like ages, Silver and I walk on the road nearly to a small town. "We will have to continue as humans for the rest of the way" I say as I change my shape from wolf to human. He then changes to human. He was a blonde hair normal teenage boy with bright blue eyes. He was pale but more tanned then myself.

We had been walking for a few days now and I suddenly made a dash for the bushes as I throw up feeling a little sick. I have been a bit sick but I don't think much of it as it has been stressful and that can cause nausea. "You ok Sonya?" He looks at me. "Yeah.. just a bit stressed I guess". I reply. We started calling each other more human names incase someone hears us. We make it to the small town.

As we walk a few people glance at us as they could tell we weren't from around here. I suddenly see a cop and I grab Silver's hand hiding behind a corner before he sees us. "What's wrong?" He whispers. "I have to make it back home without letting cops see me...". "Cops?" he says still in a whisper. "Yeah they lock up bad guys as well as find lost people". Silver looks around the corner and sees a man in uniform with a badge with Police written on it and a fancy cap. The cop walks in the other direction. "It's ok he's going the other way". He says to me so I come out. "We better head off this way", I look to the opposite direction and we head off.

That wasn't the first cop we had seen on our journey but lucky they didn't see me. We then start to walk along another road that I knew led to my old home town. I got sick a few times and that's where Silver started to get worried but I said not to and that I felt fine. "But that's why i'm worried" he says. "Would you rather me feel sick?" I say not thinking of what I said till a few seconds later. "I didn't mean it like.." I say a bit guilty for being rude but is interrupted by Silver. "It's ok I know you don't mean it but.. I've seen this with my mother once.." I look at him. He kinda looks scared which got me on edge. "What are you trying to say?". He takes a deep breath. "I'm not sure but I think it is a possibility that you're.. Pregnant". He hesitated before he said the word. But I didn't say a word as I think about it. "I..I can't be though.." Suddenly the thought got to me as I put my fingers in my hair while pacing. He suddenly hugs me from nowhere as he says. "We will work it out together if you really are". As he hugs me I feel relaxed and comfortable in his arms. I was still scared in the fact I still might be pregnant.

We continue down the road and this time I see the familiar town in the distance. "There it is!" I smile and so does Silver. I go to run but Silver suddenly pulls me back as a wolf barely missed me. The dark brown wolf growls in a low aggressive tone and so does Silver as he changes back into his wolf form. He looks at me but SIlver growls and bares his teeth getting his attention again. The wolf thinks then growls and fights Silver. Silver can easily win but he went all out like there was everything to lose. Silver pins the once brave now frightened wolf to the ground and snarls. "What do you want!" Silver snaps. "I...I was Hunter to kill.. Her". Silver gets off him. "Scat or you will end up dead". He runs off. "Hunter is onto us he knows where we are heading.. I'm not sure if we should head there". I look down but then says "What is he knows though? Then what? Let them be victims. Who knows he might know how to use technology and find out information". Silver looks at me and thinks for a moment. He then says "You can do that with technology?!". I nod "It has gotten.. Out of hand I'll say". "We have to quickly get to your home then". I look at him. "Wait are they in danger?". He looks at me. "I've heard about Hunter knowing smart human who knew how to hack, and even met him before me and hunter became.. You know enemies". I turn "We have to get to them quickly!" I say in a panicked voice as we both start running towards the house.

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