Chapter 2 - The Big Escape!

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It all happened so fast. Everything went black and the next I woke up in an old jail cell. "Hello?", I look around as I slowly get up, I then see the man and nurse from before. "HELP, SOMEONE HELP!". I scream on the top of my lungs shaking the cell bars even though I knew it wouldn't really help. "Scream all you want, no one will hear you". "Who are you!, what do you want from me?!", I shake in fear. "You were the lucky pick to become one of our subjects of course", he looks at me with a grin. "If you don't let me go I will!", "you will what?". I thought about it for a few seconds. "I will... get out of here and once I do you will regret it!". He just laughs, who am I kidding am I ever gonna get out of here?

A few days later I hear a scream, I quickly dash to the cell bars to look. "HELP HEEEELP!", She kicks and screams trying to get free. As they come around the corner I see a short dark hair girl with dark brown eyes and has a nice brown tinge to her skin. She was small but not as small as Clara. The girl wore bright colour t-shirt with white pair of jeans. "Just chuck her in next to the ghoul", they put her in the cell right next to mine. "Wait what?! ghoul?", She looks at me for a second. "They don't exist". She looks at me as i'm the only one in here. "You're not a ghoul right?", for the first time in my life I just stay quiet not even knowing the answer for myself. Am I? Am I a monster, a ghoul, something that is in comics or fanfictions?

After long silence the girl next to me says, "Who are you?". I just feel like laying down on the floor and not say a word but I didn't want to be rude either so I replied with "Sonya". The girl then replies, "I'm Chelsie, do you know what we are doing here or what they want?". "Not really I only just...". I stop my sentence as I hear the scientists talking about me and Chelsie. "Only just what?", She sees me just staring at the door and suddenly my eyes widen in shock to what I heard. "Is something wrong Sonya?". "Can't you hear them?! With what they are planning?". She looks at me, "I can't hear through those doors". I look back at her as I think, I'm not gonna hurt Chelsie... ghoul or not I refuse to hurt a being!

The doorway between me and Chelsie opened up. "Well that's nice of them!" She smiles and wasn't sarcastic about it. "Yeah..." What I really wanted to say was, WHY?! All I want to do is relax so I can find a plan of how to get out of here! I feel my stomach about to eat itself I was that hungry while they gave out plates of human food. "You sure you're not hungry Sonya?, you haven't eaten anything and i mean anything... and this food if it was poisonous I would be dead by now". Suddenly everything goes black like i've fallen into some deep dream and suddenly I hear a scream the next thing when I woke up...blood, blood was everywhere on the floor, all over the cell and all over me. The only thing is that... the blood was in my mouth as well as her flesh, she was no longer seen as Chelsie, Chelsie was a dead corpse eaten by me! How and what have I done?! My hands shake, I shake all over knowing what I have done. "Still think you're a human now devil?" one of the scientists smirk. I noticed he had a bit of blood on his scientist uniform but he was probably standing there when I killed the poor girl knowing instinct overcomes will.

I cried my eyes out all night and day till there were no tears to shed. Everyday was the same routine. The humans would collect me and shoot me but somehow I would heal straight away but I feel hungrier each time I do heal. They would push my new skills to the limit.

On the first day during these tests big, pure white wolf ears grew on my head and a tail that joins from my tail bone. The next was my amber red hair that turned to white that looks just the same as my ears and tail. Apparently that was only my second form and that I had at least six different transformations. Well the next was something remarkable. I had turned into a full, white, wolf. I could hear the slightest sounds to the faintest scents in the air. My eyes were even ten times better then an average wolf.

About two weeks later I finally got a break for only a day but it's better then nothing. I then hear a howl not far from here. I then thought if i can hear the howl they should be able to hear me!. I then transform into the wolf and howls as loud as I can. "SHUT IT!" the scientist comes around with a special muzzle made of special metal that was enclosed so I couldn't make a sound, and then I growl. They come towards me so I snap at their hands with the muzzle. "You shouldn't of done that". They rush and shove on the muzzle so when I howled I could hardly be heard.

A few hours pass by and I keep curled up in a white ball still in my wolf form as the tears stain down my face. I wasn't sad that they put the muzzle on me, I was sad because... the wolf that howled either didn't hear me or didn't even bother to help.

A few days go past and i'm back in the lab as a lab rat for the scientists. They try to cut me with knifes to see what works and doesn't, I was just glad most knifes split into two parts instead of cutting a big painful line on my arms and legs. But when one of the knifes cut through my tough skin I felt the sharp pain as tears fall from my eyes. What's worse is when the knife could cut me they cut me slowly. They then made a better model as the last one I healed straight away but with this knife they did the same thing only blood dripped down as the cut didn't heal till about three days later.

When they put me back to rest for a bit I thought, how much more can I take of this? I'm exhausted, hungry and scared, once their done with their experiments what will they do with me? Setting me free wouldn't be an option for them. Just as I was thinking the red alarm goes off. "EVERYONE RUN IT'S NO USE LEAVE THE SUBJECTS HERE", one of the scientists shouts, and you can really hear the panic in his voice. I see people as well as wolves and ghouls leaving the area running for their lives then I see a silver wolf he looks at me then turns into a boy around the same age as me with big silver ears that were black at the tip and his tail was silver with a black beach type wave pattern on top. He was also pale with silver and black tip hair. Both his eyes looked just like my right eye though. We both looked at eachother for a bit like we had seen something new then he breaks the few second silence, "Shall we get out of here?", he unlocks the cell then we both run together as wolves.

Just as we turn a corner in the lab one of the men stopped us dead in our tracks as he held a metallic looking pistol. You could tell he looked very angry but he wasn't angry at me as his eyes death stared at the wolf by my side. "You're not gonna ruin this for me now are ya?" Silver growls and leaps to grab the gun but the guy quickly tries to aim it at the wolf but he misses and shoots me instead. "OUCH!". I pant in pain as the bullet sends pain all throughout my body. The wolf growls then manages to grab the gun and throws it so it smashes against the steel bars causing it to shatter. "QUICK RUN!" he goes to run but I limp and fall feeling I'm about to pass out. He comes back and lifts me on his back and runs off.

Sonya's Story (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant