Chapter 5 - Truth

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I lay down by the river that divides up the packs that flows where the plants grew and birds sung knowing i'm back safe in the Allah pack's territory. "Why.." I go to say but he looks at me and finishes the sentence "Why am I in the Akuma pack?" I look at silver and nod. He sighs but he feels like he has to tell the truth now. "I'm Silver son of Erebus next in line to be the pack leader". I look at him kinda in shock. "You went against your father?!". "And brother if you want to add that too" He says not too proud but in a serious voice like it could mean the end of the world. "Why did you go against them then?" I sound a bit sad as it sounded like he didn't want to even save me. "To be honest.. I.. I don't know.." I would have just looked into the water but the way he said it, it confused himself more then me. I decide to change the subject. "Well that's twice I owe you now". He smiles. "Yeah you sure do" we both laugh a bit together.

After the break we walk on as we follow the river to a certain point together. I look into his silver moonlight eyes as he looks into my light blue ice eyes. "Well I best be going back...", He says to break the silence. "Wait!, Silver" He stops. "Can we please meet up here again you are still the only one I can trust plus..". I look down at the ground slightly. "We can meet up here tonight when the packs are asleep" He smiles at me and I look up slightly and smiles back.

Just as I get back to the pack I see Naomi talking to Akela. "I told you to NOT go near the Akuma territory!!", "I WASN'T" I hear her snap back. "THEY CHASED ME INTO THERE I SWEAR!, I was along our border and they came onto it and there were too many I couldn't fight back!". "Naomi.." I could see this would not get anywhere. "It's true Akela" I say as I entered the small den area. "I was with Naomi.. Well I was just wondering near the border line when Naomi bumped into me so we started running and the next thing you know we were in the Akuma pack's territory". "I will get more wolves patrolling the areas so for now everyone has to keep close to the center of the territory. She then leaves as well as says "I'm sorry for not believing you Naomi". Naomi looks at me. "I'm so glad you're alright!" she hugs me. "A strange wolf from the Akuma pack let me out it was weird but I wasn't gonna say no". When Naomi says that I knew it was Silver wolf's plan. "Thanks for helping me talk to my mum she hardly believes me.." Naomi looks at the ground a bit. "Why though?" I ask curiously. "Well... I have made up a few white lies before and yeah..." she looks at me with a guilty face and I just shake my head. "Yeah now I know where Akela is coming from". "But it is the truth that they chased me from within our packs range". "Their definitely up to something I know that much". I say with confidence.

Since this chapter ended up to be shorter I decided to publish earlier and send out chapter six this Wednesday! If you are still reading this story thank you! I hope you are enjoying it so far and leave suggestions if you like to add to the story.   

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