Chapter 1 - The beginning

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Running, pacing, mud and dirt all over me, the rain doesn't give way, not wanting to look back... then a gunshot is heard just before I blackout and hit the ground. But let's start from the very beginning. The school bell rings and everyone scatters around to get into homegroup. "HEY, SONYA!". Incase you didn't know my name is Sonya, I have long, amber red, wavy hair with hazel coloured eyes. Most people would call me a living ghost as I have very pale skin. I live with my mum, dad and older brother who always annoys me no matter where I go. Anyway let's get back to the story. A girl with short, blue, straight hair, has black glasses with freckles all over her face and deep brown eyes. Clara was one of the shortest people in our year level with skinny legs and arms. She's one of my friends as I'm about to walk into the classroom door with music in my ears. "Oh hey!" I say as I wait for Clara to catch up.

Like every normal day at school, we would enter each class from one to the next having recess and lunch until we found out today that we have... NEEDLES! My worst nightmare! No matter how big or small the needles are I absolutely HATE needles! Just the feeling of the tip piercing into your skin and fluid running into your body. "You scared Sonya?..." yeah Clara is such a nice friend who teases me about the needles like last year when we had them. "No! I just don't like them". Clara went in before me, before I knew it, I had to get mine done so I thought to myself better to get them over and done with.

The nurses were nice but when they looked at what needles I needed, they saw an extra needle on the list ticked and so they put in the only strange needle they had. OUCH! Did that one needle hurt! It was the biggest and worst needle out of them all.

"FINALLY! I can enjoy lunch!" Clara just laughs at me "You're such a baby when it comes to needles!". "You know not everyone likes the same stuff..." I stared at her and that just makes her laugh as I join her. I then take a bite of my lovely nutella sandwich. Clara sees my face "You ok Sonya?... looks like you have eaten something you shouldn't. She laughs a bit but stops as I go over to the bin to spit it out. "I think the bread was off it tasted disgusting". So I decided to have my favourite muesli bar, but doesn't eat too much of that either. "Are you sure you're alright Sonya?". She looks at me concerned now. I nod and just say the sandwich put me off even tho it didn't. I didn't think much of the food. "Come with me to the toilet before the bell goes!". And like always before we head to class after lunch I walk with Clara to the toilets. As I wait I look in the mirror. "..." I stand there looking into the reflection as my right eye starts to change. My eyes widen as the whole eye is black with only a red pupil. Red veins suddenly appear all around the eye. I hear Clara come out. "I can't wait for the end of the day can't you Son?.....!!!". She pauses her sentence and I know the reason why. She screams. "SSSSSHHHHHH!". The last thing I wanted was more attention. "B...BUT YOU...'RE....EYE!". "You don't think I can't look in a mirror!" I snap back. Silence fills the air for a few minutes then the bell goes. "I can't go to class like this!". "Yeah nah... how about I just say you're in the sick room?". I was desperate for anything. "Ok Clara...".

I had no idea what was going on. Every time I heard someone opening the toilet door I would hide in one of the toilet doors. About fifteen minutes into the fifth lesson I saw my eye change back to the normal hazel green it's meant to be. I sigh and hope that this is just a one time thing.

Three days later, my left eye still changes back and forth between the creepy and normal eye. "You need to get it checked!". "NO! What if it's not an allergy... what if it's something... unhuman...". "Sonya! Monsters don't exist, besides you're no monster you don't even look like one! "Look Clara I know it sounds crazy like a children's story but.. I haven't eaten in three days, my left eye keeps on changing when I think of food... and... ". She looks at me like i'm crazy. "Nevermind", I know she would never understand. "What?... spit it out already Sonya". "I've heard that...ghouls actually exist...". Like i said before she would NOT understand me one bit. "You have gone crazy Sonya". Clara walks off not knowing what to say or do.

I stand at the school gates after school and then sees three strange people in scientist labs creeping about the school. To my curiosity I sneak in best I can hiding. My heart races every time one would get close then they finally start talking. I notice one of the people was one of the nurses that put my needles in. "Do you remember what girl you put the needle in!?" the male scientist demanded. "Like I said I forgot, many students came in and out of the room!". What were they talking about?... It can't be about the extra needle right?... My heart really pounded as i slip on the curve trying to get closer making a grinding sound. "Did you hear that?". They walk up getting closer and closer. "And who do we have here? A nosey student...". He stares for a bit at my eyes, I didn't realise it had changed as I was frightened.

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