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No One Pov:

The heroes entered the room silently. Hawkmoth was to meet them there. They looked around at each other. No one could guess what was going to happen next. The next time they saw each other they could all be dead and in heaven for gods sake. Chat Noir hasn't let go of Ladybugs hand. Then, slowly like a chain reaction the whole group links hands; waiting for Hawkmoths arrival. They stand together in the darkness; unafraid, but yet terrified of what was to come.

Ladybug drew a shaky breath and called out in the darkness, " Hawkmoth? Are you there? we agreed on a deal. No attacking until the reveal". When only silence and a faint echo replied she opened her mouth to call out again before a voice was heard behind them.

"Excuse me if I am a tad bit late I had other matters to take care of," The one and only Hawkmoth says calmly.

" Well then now that we are all here and accounted for let's begin," Tigris says in the same formal voice. No one knew why they were being so incredibly formal to their enemy, but they all went along with it.

" NOROO, DARK WINGS FALL" Hawkmoth cried and he began to detransform. At this sight the five heroes did the same and they were left standing there with the one and only (A/N I betcha yall already know who it is) Gabriel Agreste. His eyes scanned the mask-less team before gasping and then smirking when he saw his son.

" Why am I no surprised? Always sneaking out at night and disappearing during Akuma attacks. I am disappointed in you Adrien. Ah, and the Cheng girl. You won the bowler hat competition. You would have made a lovely fashion designer. Too bad you will not leave this room alive.   And I don't believe I have met you three." Gabriel said. Adrien had a look of disbelief on his face. Marinette growled at the man when he mentioned her name.

" Why. In. The. World. Did. I. EVER. Idolize. You." Marinette said in such a tone that you could hear the venom laced through her every word. Gabriel simply gave a small little laugh before turning to his son.

"Adrien why don't you join me? I only want to bring back your mother." He said pleadingly looking at the teen. Adrien had tears streaming down his face at the mention of his mother. He looked down as the tear drops hit the floor.

" Don't do it Adrien" Sealia warns.

" B-but my my mom" Adrien chokes out.

" Your not seriously thinking about joining him are you?" Kate Nyne says.

" Choose a side Adrien" Hawkmoth booms out his arms spread out wide.

" I-I choose . . . . "

Imma be evil and stop there comment on who u think he is gonna choose. If u recommend something and I like it I might add it. I love comments so please comment! 

Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic- Adrien Agreste: Marinette's BullyWhere stories live. Discover now