The New Girls

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Mari POV:

"I'm gonna be late! NOOO," I thought as I ran through the halls and into class. When I walked in the teacher wasn't there yet. 

"Thank god.." I sighed happily as I slipped next to Alya

" There is supposed to be 3 new girls coming today! Kinda weird don't ya think like ALL on the same day," Alya rambled on. She appeared to have forgotten yesterdays events judging by the look on her face. Suddenly, the whole class went silent and I looked up to see the teacher coming in with three girls.

" Good morning class," Mrs. Buister said as she looked at the class, " We have thre new kids," the  turning to them she finished, "why don't you introduce yourselves?" 

" Hi! I'm Jess I moved here from-," One girl said moving to the front of the class. She had long wavy auburn hair with hazel eyes. She had on jean shorts, a white tank top, reddish maroon (AN I have no idea how to describe the color 😂) shirt jacket, and brown laced boots. On her shorts there was a brown belt with a gold star in the middle. 

" NO ONE CARES!" Someone shouted from the back. Guess who? Chloe.

"Anyone with a life would and my name is Jennifer by the way, " A girl with medium length jet black hair said stepping out. She had on a black, long sleeved shirt with a white skirt and a white bow in her hair. She crossed her arms and glared at Chloe as the class burst out laughing.

" Actually I think she didn't finishe her sentence it was supposed to be ' NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME' but it's not HER fault her mom dropped her on her head when she was a baby FYI the names Gloria" The last girl said high fiving the other. She had long brown hair that was tied into a ponytail possibly to keep it from blocking her bright brown eyes. She had on ripped skinny jeans and a pastel pink crop top on. A pastel pink beanie and black choker accessoried her outfit. 

" WELL I-uh.... ILL TELL MY DADDY!" Chloe said then crossed her arms with a smirk as if in saying this she won the battle.

" And say what that someone hurt your feewings?" Jess said and Chloe's face could now be passed as Nathaniels hair. 

" DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM," Chloe screeched.

" The question is do you know who I am," Gloria said to a confused Chloe, " WOW you guys are just oblivious.. I'm Gloria. Gloria BROWN as in The Brown Company. The one that has more money and power than your family Chloe," She said glaring at Chloe

" OMG that's her!!," " Wow," " Now we have TWO famous models in our class TWO," The class immediately began to talk. The girls sat down and the lesson began. 

~The all magical time skip~

Adrien POV:

Seriously?! More fan girls now next thing ya know someone is gonna spread rumors and then god knows what.

" I AM THE AUTHOR NOW I GET TO WRITE THE SCRIPTS!" An akumatized victim stood on the Eiffal Tower. I enternally groaned before I heard an explosion to my left and someone pushed me out of the way. Three more miraculous holders stood in front of me. I looked at them all. They were all girls one had a seal miraculous. Her black hair was dyed a bit of white at the ends and the bow in her hair was probably her miraculous. She had a white outfit that had black at the ends of it. It came with a cape that had the same colors as the rest of her outfit. A black gun hung around her waist it was pretty much a water gun except you would freeze when it touched you.(Her secret identity is Jennifer)

The other two had a tiger and dog miraculous. The tiger girl had an outfit similar to ladybugs except with a tiger print and a belt with a tiger star on it. She like me had ears and at her waist hung a two sided dagger. She could see the enemy's weak point and use the dagger there. (This is Jess)

Lastly, the dog miraculous holder. She had long knee length boots, a brown tail, ears, and suit. She had two boomerangs tied to her waist. Her power was to whistle and anyone she wanted would instantly appear beside her. She had on a choker that was her miraculous. ( This is Gloria)

" go find a place to transform Chat," The seal person hissed at me.

" Who are you and how do you know my identity," 

" I'm Sealia,this is Tigris," Sealia said as she pointed at the tiger, " and this is Kate Nyne," She continued and pointed at the dog miraculous holder.

" Why must I be cursed with  the cheesiest name eveeeeeeer,?!" Kate Nyne whined loudly.

" HOW DID YOU KNOW I AM CHAT?" I screamed.

" cause we have magical powers," Tigris said sarcastically then headed towards the akuma.

AN sorry if I am horrible at describing stuff or if the names are horrible 

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