No Going Back

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Ladybug Pov:

" W-what?" I said in complete utter disbelief.

" No It-t ITS NOT POSSIBLE" Chat Noir yelled pulling at his hair. We both knew it would come someday, but not THIS soon.

" ohmygodohmygodohmygod" Kate Nyne was saying nonstop and pacing the room. Tigris' mouth hung open in shock and she looked like she was about to faint. Sealia kinda just like laughed as if she was being pranked.

Master Fu said " Everyone come here I need to tell you everything you need to know." He paused for a moment and we all, not knowing what else to do sat down, " Hawkmoth knows you are going to attack so don't try a sneak attack it will only make it worse. Our kwamis talked and we decided to have three rules ' Your ONLY weapon is your miraculous. No guns or knifes', ' ALL identities will be revealed at the begging so no one hurts someone they love. Happened once with him and we don't want it to happen again', and lastly ' This is a fight to the DEATH'. Got it?" We all nodded and then he finished, " If you have something to say to each other do it now incase anything DOES happen like he cheats." This is it I'm going to say sorry to Chat I will MAKE him listen to me. I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder.

" I need to talk to you"

Chat Noir Pov:

" I need to talk to you" Ladybug says calmly " And your gonna listen. If you don't I will say it anyway and your gonna be close enough to hear it" 

" UGH ok" I respond knowing Ladybug is a very stubborn person. She immedietly smiles and starts talking.

" Ok so you know how you saw me slap Chloe? Well here is what ACTUALLY happened. . . " She said the whole story. ( Im to lazy to write it) By the time she finished I could see tears in her bluebell eyes. I couldn't believe that I bullied an innocent girl. I'm a monster. Why didn't I just ask someone what happened. I am an evil person. She would never forgive me.

" I-I'm so sorry-y M-Marinette," I cry as I hug her. She looked surprised then hugged back.

"It's ok you didn't know," She says as I cry on her shoulder.

"B-but I was so mean to you how could you just forgive me," I ask surprised she would forgive me so easily.

" Because you didn't know so it isn't your fault. I would have done the same. You knew Chloe since you were little so I get you were overprotective and got mad. Everyone makes mistakes. I should have told you before what really happened." She says and wipes my tears away.

" When we defeat Hawkmoth I am going to make it up to you. I promise I will. " I promise and I see her crack a smile.  

" Let's go defeat Hawkmoth,"

" Together?"

" Together. " Ladybug finishes and squeezes my hand. I stare into her eyes and she stares into mine then-

" Guys we have to leave- OH SORRY TO INTURRUPT KEEP GOING I WAS NEVER HERE" Sealia interrupts and I mentally groan. 

" Oh um . . . ok. Well . . . let's go I guess?" Ladybug says trying to break the awkward silence.

" Yeah" I answer just as awkwardly. We start heading out the door and the others join us.

Ladybug Pov:

" OMG YOU GUYS WOULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!!!" Sealia says still fangirling. She pretty much told them EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING that happened. Tigris and Kate Nyne both groaned when she told them about how she interrupted.

" Guys we have to leave lets go," I say desperate to end the conversation before I die of embarrassment.

" Oh yeah" Tigris says as she remembers what we're about to do. They all stop fangirling because this is a fight to the death. We all know that even if we win this thing we are going to be murders. A silence envelopes us I link hands with Chat and we look at each other one last time before leaving and heading straight to Hawkmothes layer.

Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic- Adrien Agreste: Marinette's BullyWhere stories live. Discover now