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Marinette was sleeping when I walked in. Her hair was in a single ponytail and her eyes red and puffy. She had been crying. A pocketknife lay beside her bed there were little drops of water on it. She had probably cut herself then rinsed the blood off. There was a small book that I recognized as her diary.

"Oh her diary the purrfect way to get revenge on my purrrincess." I thought as I stepped forward keeping as quiet as possible.

"Adrien that is evil and you used "purr" in both of your puns." Plagg was talking in my mind again. I just ignored him and made my way to her bed. Just as I reached out to grab the diary I was elbowed in the stomach and kicked back.

"WOW! that girl can kick." I muttered under my breath.


Chat looked up surprised to see me awake.

"HA! Think I am THAT dumb Adrien," I smirked. Plagg, Tikki, and I had planned this. The knife, the eyes, and the diary. Part of me wanted to run over to him say I was sorry and hug him, but I stood my ground.

"Who told you I was coming? and why did M'Lady tell you my identity?" He asked as soon as he had gotten over the shock of being attacked by me.

"Well one Ladybug came by and told me when her umm.... what's it called kwa.... Tikki that you were coming. Plagg told her. So I used my common sense and figured it out. Two, she said it by accident when she came by."

"Plagg!" I heard him mutter. He was going to hurt him wasn't he? So I thought fast

"Ladybug also said if you hurt Plagg she will contact Master Fo .....I mean Fu and then break you nose along with the rest of your body." I was trying hard to not reveal my identity, but I knew it was bound to happen.


"THATS MY LADYBUG!" Plagg said in my mind then roared with laughter

"Shut up!"

"How about...... NO." He then gasped. " I have an idea.... CLAWS IN" I detransformed and then Plagg sat there looking as innocent a ever. Yes, he can detransform me.

"PLAGG!" I said then flicked him and he fell.

"NO PLAGG!" Mai said rushing to his aid then she looked at me, "AGRESTE IF YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN TO YOUR KWAMII I PROMIE TO MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL."

"Ouch" he said rubbing the spot I flicked him on. It was now a bruise.

Mari turned to her purse and talked to it "Tikki get the Kwamii First Aid Kit." A small red and black kwamii head popped out followed by the body and a small box.

"WAIT YOUR LADYBUG!?" I yelled just realizing it. If there was any surprise she hid it well.

"Naw....... I just have a ladybug kwamii because I want too," She said crossing her arms. Then she went back to helping Plagg.

"Man, your over reacting Mari. It is only a flick."  I immedietly regretted my decision. I was supposed to say sorry not this.

"Unlike you I CARE about my kwamii." She shot back, " AND NEVER CALL ME 'MARI' AGAIN"

"I HAVE THE RIGHT OF SPEECH YOU KNOW!" The urge to apologize was now gone and anger replaced it, "I AM DONE HERE PLAGG CLAWS OUT". Not letting her say another word I jumped out.

Sorry for the short chapter I just have a very busy schedule today. Sorry!

Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic- Adrien Agreste: Marinette's BullyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt