Get Ready

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Mari Pov:

Alexander moved in yesterday in the guest room next door to my room. So, now it is kinda hard to keep things away from him:

1 My cuts and bruises from the akuma attack

2 The fact I'm Ladybug

Kitt- I mean Chat Noir stopped showing up to patrol which is annoying. He doesn't care anymore. Why is my luck always so bad? 

" Mari. Marinette. Ladybug.  Buggie." Tikki said tugging my shirt to get my attention. I hummed as a signal I was listing. " Master Fu needs you to meet him at his shop. He has an anouncmnt". I sighed knowing I would need an excuse and I was lazy. 

" Tikki Spots On," I whispered so no one would hear then raced to the shop. While swinging from the rooftops, I saw four other figures heading in the same direction. Sealia, Kate Nyne, Tigris, and Chat Noir. I breathed a sigh of relief he actually came. Otherwise, the others would send me to get him. Why me? Well, long story short they are Alyas. When I arrived, no one else was their yet so I sat on the roof waiting. Part of me wanted to go in now but I waited for them to come. We were a team after all. A short while later, someone fell near me. I turned around to see Chat. He stood their silently and sat a few feet away from me. The silence ended when the girls joined us and we all went in. Master Fu sat there, in his room with books scattered across the floor and scrolls stretching from one side of the room to the other. When he saw us he looked up,and smiled weakly.

The next words changed my life, " You, all of you will be defeating Hawkmoth. Tonight. Now. Or else. . . He will activate the peacock miraculous. So suit up and get ready. I looked for a way to delay but it isn't possible it must be done. None of my books provide any help so your on your own. " 

Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic- Adrien Agreste: Marinette's BullyWhere stories live. Discover now