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The silence that followed was deafening. Chat's eyes flicked back and forth between Hawkmoth and I as he decided what to do. The longer the silence stretched, the more my hope in him began to fade. 

'He's on our side.' I desperately repeated in my head, hoping it to be true. But the doubt only grew as he stood there in silence. Small reminders of what he had done to me began filling my head. The pain I'd felt. The pain he had caused. The pain he had enjoyed. Months of being bullied all coming back to me at that moment. Why would Chat choose me over his father, over the chance of getting his mother back? Adrien had made it very clear that he didn't like me. 

Was the signal a lie then? No. It couldn't be. Or maybe it was. Maybe he was just trying to lure me into a false sense of security. Maybe he'd known who Hawkmoth was this entire time and he was always planning on turning. Maybe the signal was just to confuse me as he turned against me. Maybe he'd changed sides just to kill me. Maybe the apology was a lie. A million possibilities ran through my mind, each worse than the last. 

I looked around for another escape, another way to get out but there was nothing. Honestly, I could barely even more as is. With the adrenaline wearing off, the pain from my arm and leg finally started to properly set in and the bruises on my side making it hurt every time I even breathed. There was nowhere I could go and nothing I could do. 

In the background, Sealias appeared to have noticed the issue. She began to run over, aiming her water gun in the direction of Hawkmoth to freeze him but right before she could, it was knocked out of her hand by Volpina. Godammit. Tigris was still deep in battle with her opponent, dagger swinging as they fought. Guess I was on my own for this one then.

Anxiety continued to gnaw at me as Chat finally seemed to have made a decision. He turned to Hawkmoth, the shocked look on his face from just moments before slipping into a much more determined one.

"Fine." I couldn't help the strangled cry that came out of my mouth. He was turning on us."But I want to do it with your staff." Chat held out his hand expectantly. "So we do it together." A pang shot through my heart. Together. Chat had promised me the same thing just a couple of hours ago. And now he stood with the enemy while I lay on the floor, blood pooling on the floor around me with no weapons to defend myself.

"No!" Tigris and Sealias both screamed at the sight. I looked over to them, hoping for help but every time they started making their way over, they were attacked again. My heart fell. After all of this, was this really the end? The realization was almost comforting. I was tired. So very incredibly tired. If this was it then at least I know I went down fighting until I couldn't anymore. I hoped more than anything that at least Tikki would be proud of me. 

Hawkmoth smiled. "Of course, Adrien." He handed the staff to him, the spike ontop still dripping with blood from the wound on my leg. "After this, we can bring your mother back. We can all be together again. It'll be like old times again." I could still hear Tigris and Sealias still yelling in the background but I couldn't make out what it was they were saying. All I could pay attention to was Chat. Adrien. His eyes staring back at mine. The staff in his hand. 

He pulled his arm back, ready to strike. 

My eyes slammed close as I braced for the impact. This was really it then, huh. 

But then, nothing. 

Nothing happened. I opened my eyes slowly, still trying to prepare for the worst. The scene that greeted me was nothing that I would expect.

The fighting had stopped completely. All eyes on the pair in front of me. Hawkmoth was gasping and clutching at his staff.  The staff that was now completely impaled through his body. Chat was on his knees on the floor in front of Hawmoth, sobs racking through his body. I could see him staring at his hands, eyes wide and filled with tears at the realization of what he'd done. 

He...he hadn't betrayed us. This was the second time today I had came to that conclusion in one day but the relief I felt was unlike anything else. It was over. Chat was on our side and it was over.

Then, a thud from Hawkmoth turned my attention back to him. He was lying on the floor, back in his white suit that was now stained a deep red. It dawned on me just what it being over meant. "This is a fight to the death." Master Fu had said.

There was no miraculous turning this back, no fix-it, and happy ending. Gabriel Agreste was now lying dead on the floor at the hands of his son and it was all, finally, over. 

Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic- Adrien Agreste: Marinette's BullyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora