Part 1: Crash

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But first, for not updating in a long while-

But first, for not updating in a long while-

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Caleb's P.O.V.

    This day can not get any worse. Opps too late it already has. Just this morning, Chloe went out with my credit card that I told her she can use for emergencies ONLY. I should have known better. Now thanks to her, I had to freeze my account. She had squandered over $19,000 in just 2 hours. I don't know how she did it, but she did.

I called the Agreste family an hour ago and asked them if Emma can stay with them for a week longer as it was going to be a war zone in my place. Andries and I were friends for a long time and he knows when I am mad or if I'm out for blood. But still, he agreed.

I had not told anyone about this, but I just handed my will to my family lawyer.

You might call me crazy but hear me out. Emma is just a baby and if anything were to happen to me, she wouldn't be left alone with the wh- I mean Chloe.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello, Caleb speaking."

"Sir, we have a problem."

"What is it?", I asked as I massaged my forehead.

"Um, it's about that deal with the Agreste company, we need you here."

"Fine, I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"Of course sir, I'll let Mr. Adrien know."

Adrien? Before I could say anything, he hung up. It was a bit suspicious. The last time I heard from him, which is yesterday, he was on his way with Emma and Marinette to visit their old friends who moved to England. I think their names were Alya and Nino.

Before leaving, I sent a quick message to Winter. Take care of yourself my dear friend, and whoever that guy you were talking about love you more than I ever will. Chloe will be my wife in the future, how unfortunate that is, but you will always have a place in my heart where she has none.

Winter and I talked last week and she kept mentioning this guy that she loves but can't have. It was weird that I had the same problems with her but I didn't dwell in it. The chances of her liking me are the same as Chloe being a good mother.

I grabbed my car keys and drove off.

With Adrienette and Emma

   Marinette held a camera in one hand and the other with a chocolate ice cream while Adrien tried to teach Emma how to walk without stumbling.

"Come on Emmie, one step at a time."

Emma giggled as Adrien caught her before she fell on the pillows that Marinette laid out.

"She's almost there, just need to balance a bit.", Marinette said as she took another picture.

Adrien nodded, "it's gonna take a while, but she'll gat there."

Mari placed the camera down and took a bite out of the melting ice cream, "how's bout we head to the set to check on Alya?"

"Yeah, she's probably done with her reporting, but Nino still has to unleash his new album."

Mari nodded and took Emma from Adrien.

Just at that moment, Alya burst in the room.

"Guys! I just got word from one of my partners that-"

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