When You Get Jealous

Start from the beginning

You finally get sick of her and take action.

"Listen here, puta. Zane is dating me, so he will not be chilling with anyone. Especially a wannabe girlfriend that wants some. So leave us both alone, like you're gonna be alone the rest of your life!"

You grab Zane and drag him away to the monastery. When you turn to Zane he's smiling at you.

"(Y/N), are you, what did you call it... jealous?" Zane teases.

"Nooo." You say and feel yourself blush.

Zane wraps his arms around your waist and says, "That is ok. I understand how you feel when she was doing that. You know that I love you, right? I love you more than anything in the universe." He then makes out with you, making you feel a whole lot better.

You separate for air, and Zane rests his forehead on yours.

"I love you Zane."

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

You and Cole decide to go to the pool to waste time. Cole goes over to the diving board again, and you stand there and watch.

"Oh my gosh, he's so hot!" You hear someone say as Cole goes off again.

You look over and see girls standing there in a group staring at Cole. You get  the feeling of jealousy and can't wait for Cole to come back over to you.

"I wish he would be mine! We'd definitely look good together!" Says another as she fan girls over him.

Cole jumps off again, and they swoon again.

"I wish he'd be jumping on me like that." Says a spoiled looking girl.

"Oh that's it!" You say and swim over to Cole.

"Hey (Y/N), coming to join me?" He asks smirking at you.

You throw your arms around his neck, and stare at him dreamily.

"Aww! Did you miss me?" He asks smiling at you.

You don't hesitate and crash your lips to his. He passionately kisses back, and you hear the fangirls groan.

Cole hears it to, looks over, and realized what happened.

"Did someone get jealous?" He teases and smiles at you.

"Maybe I did." You smile at him, and peck him on the lips.

"And is my princess better?" He smirks.

You lean in and kiss him again. You feel Cole smirk, and finally separate for air.

"Now I'm better." You say and let go.

"What did you expect? Don't you enjoy staring at me shirtless?" Cole teases.

"Yeah, but that's different. I'm your girlfriend. I can't help it that you're so hot!" You shyly say and blush.

Cole chuckles and says, "What if we just go back to the monastery, and enjoy time together by ourselves."

"Yes! I would love that!" You say and you both swim over to the edge.

When you both get up on the concrete, Cole picks you up bridal style and carries you.

"Gotta make sure everyone knows your mine." He says and gives you an Eskimo kiss.

You can feel all the stares from the people, but you don't care.

Cole carries you all the way to the monastery, and up to your room, where he finally puts you down.

"I like it when you get jealous." Cole says and wraps his arms around your waist.

"And I like you when you're jealous." You say as Cole connects his lips to yours, and start making out.

It's a long day at school and you can't wait for school to get out so you can see Lloyd. The bell finally rings and you rush outside to see Lloyd, but you freeze at what you see: (E/N) is sitting on the stone wall beside Lloyd talking to him, and twirling her hair around her finger. You feel a hint of jealousy in your chest, but try to hide it as you go sit down beside Lloyd.

"Hi." Says Lloyd as he turns his attention to you.

"Oh, hi, (Y/N)!" Says (E/N) being her typical two faced self.

You see her put her hands in Lloyd's lap, and stare at him dreamily. 

"So Lloyd... I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later." She says, allowing her hands to creep up to Lloyd's chest.

You sneak your hands onto Lloyd's lap, and he smiles at you.

Lloyd puts her hand back in her lap and shakes his head. "No, sorry. I'm hanging out with my girlfriend later."

"I bet that's one lucky girl." She says throwing her arm around his shoulders.

By this point you are extremely jealous, and took the door that (E/N) opened.

"Oh I am." You say, and take Lloyd's head, move it so it's facing you, and kiss him.

"Wait... you're seriously with her?"

"Yeah." Lloyd says smiling at you cutely, so you throw your arm over his shoulder, and throw your legs over his, so you're sitting in his lap.

(E/N) laughs and says, "Why didn't you pick someone more pretty?"

"I didn't pick someone who was pretty. I picked someone who was beautiful. On the inside and the outside." Lloyd says smiling at you.

"We could've been something better." (E/N) says before jumping off the wall and walking away.

Lloyd picks you up bridal style, slides off the wall, and starts back to the monastery.

"You... are... jealous!" Lloyd teases.

"Are not!"

"Are so!"

"Are not!"

"Are so!"

"Are not!"

"Then how do you explain that scene back there?" He teases.


"That's ok, I don't mind." Lloyd chuckles and pecks you on the lips.

Lloyd heads down an alley for a shortcut, and you jump out of his arms and pin him to the wall.

"(Y/N) what are you mpf–" you cut him off by kissing him, and it eventually turns into a make out session.

You finally separate for air and Lloyd says, "What was that?"

"I've been waiting to do that since I got out of school. Just had to wait till I got off school property first."

Lloyd laughs and wraps his arm around your waist, as you finish the travel to the monastery.

Let me know what you think in the comments, and make sure to let me know if you have any scenario ideas. I wrote the last two scenarios while waiting in line at Black Friday. 😂 And I know I'm cutting it close, but I would like to wish LloydsBaeSerena a happy birthday!! Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!


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