Camera Crew

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camera crew•

this week has been intense. everyone has been off of social media cause that's what gets them into the most trouble

jack decided to stop messing around with derek and aaliyah but now he decided to pick a fight with sammy

sammy and jack are currently yelling at each other in sammy's living room

"what the hell is wrong with you? are you that bored? do you seriously have nothing better to do with your fucking life?" sammy yells at jack

we're gonna have to do a lot of editing with all this cussing

"i don't know what you're talking about" jack plops on the couch

"cut the crap. you and stassie, it wouldn't take me that long to fucking catch on. condom wrappers hidden in drawers. clothes hidden under the bed. i found your fucking credit card in stassie's thong drawer"

"why the fuck would you be going through her drawers?" jack asks sammy

"she asked me to get her a thong. it was for a photo shoot and i didn't wanna address this minutes before her photo shoot so she still thinks that i'm clueless" sammy tells jack

sammy runs his hands through his hair and starts grabbing it

the producer matt runs towards me and whispers something in my ear

"stassie is here and she gonna enter any minute. make sure to get a good position"

he tells that to everyone else so they are ready to catch everything that's gonna happen

as the door unlocks and the door knob turns, jack and sammy face the door

the door opens and stassie has grocery bags in her hand

"sammy, babe, i got us some items so we can make a taco supreme again" she says cheerfully with a smile but it slowly fades when she spots jack

"can you please explain why the fuck this man has been in our house while i've been gone for the past couple of days?" sammy tries not to yell

stassie rolls her eyes and walks to the kitchen

kayla, milan and belle follow her in the kitchen with cameras

"stass, i'm fucking talking to you" sammy follows her into the kitchen while i stay in the living room with jack

"what?" stassie turns around "what the fuck do you want me to say?"

"i want you to explain why jack was caught in our fucking living room?" sammy starts to yell and stassie softens up

she drops everything on the floor and starts to tear up

"what do you want me to say? you say you can't deal with my bullshit and how i'm boring and how i should do something with my fucking life. i love you and i'm using everything to make you happy, every fucking thing to make sure your needs are met" she starts you yell

"you aren't great full for any of the shit i do for you. i cook for you, i clean up after you, i make sure that you have a place to live and clothes on my back. i'm using my family and friends to put you first because i love you"

sammy rolls his eyes, like he's tired of hearing excuses

"you treat me like i'm your fucking servant and you..."

"that's enough. if you really loved me, you wouldn't care if you were hurting, you wouldn't care if you were tired, you wouldn't care if i didn't acknowledge you as much because you're doing all of this to prove that you love me. now i know that you don't cause you fucked gilinsky more than once" sammy yells

stassie starts full on crying and starts mumbling something that sounds like "i'm sorry"

she runs upstairs and i chase after her with a camera but she closes and locks her door then starts crying


this is fucking trash

i'm also teaching people how to speak english #basic

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