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warning, none of this is true. i'm only saying it for the sake of the story. i personally love white people



it's been a week since i last talked to arcelia

she says she wants to apologize but i honestly don't want her to because she already said what she said

my phone rings for the 7th time this morning

"no quiero hablar mierda tan parada que me llama" i yell through the phone

"cómo se atreven hablas a tu madre que" my mom says through the phone

"oh, hi mom" i say nervously, knowing she might cuss me off

"who pissed you off?" she asks surprising calmly

"abuela" i shake my head

"arcelia, she'd never do that"

"are you sure? básicamente ella insultó a mi familia porque son blancos" i yell

"you're family's white?" she yells

"mom, please don't do this" i beg

now here comes the ranting

"estas personas blanco arruinaron nuestra familia y ya tuviste sexo con uno de ellos?"

"blancos están violando y asesinando a nuestros niños hispanos. ellos están arruinando méxico y otros países de habla hispana"

"debo haber deshecho de usted y su hermano y hermana cuando tuve la oportunidad"

ok, that hurt

"you don't mean that"

"hago, personas como usted está arruinando la raza española" she yells

"you're just like dad and arcelia. you don't see the good in people, especially if they aren't hispanic. i fucking hate and i already had my kids and they're nothing you can do that. i hope your happy adrianna" i yell through the phone

i hang up and then throw the phone at the wall

i sit on the bed and cry

a few minutes later, there's a knock on the door

"aaliyah, can i come in?" jack asks from the other side of the room

i don't respond so jack comes in anyways

he sees me crying and immediately walks towards me. he sits beside me and gives me a hug

"what's wrong?" he asks then he frowns

"my mom" i say

"well are you gonna be ok?"

i nod my head and then he sees my smashed phone on the ground

"do you want me to call brennen?" he takes out his phone

i nod my head again and he calls brennen


brennen and maggie came back with the kids

i explain everything to brennen. he was upset and scared knowing that our mom is that type of person

there's a knock a the door. i was expecting it to be johnson and jessica but instead it was my mom with a belt in her hand

"¿dónde está el perro blanco?" she look around the room and her eyes land on maggie

"lastimarla y te juro..."

"you'll do what brennen?" mom questions him

he stands down, no one would ever try to fight or argue with our mother

"i'm sorry you hate us white people but it's not our faults that we're irresistible" jack says and mom hits him on the wrist with the belt

i take ayla, ariana and michael and give them to johnson, hoping that they can leave the room before they see something that they shouldn't

"and where the fuck do you think you're going?"


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