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"Sold! to the gentleman in the red coat."

My memory of my auction, the day I was sold at the tender age of thirteen, will always be fresh in my mind. The day my life changed, and my purpose was to slave for my so called master.

"This one will go to the dragon kingdom."

"Poor thing, will not survive more than a day."

"Well, it's their purpose to serve till death, it's the only thing their good for. Those rotten humans."

Rotten. Scum. Trash. Worms. Bugs. We had no worth, no purpose, no reason. We didn't even have any rights. We were to lick their feet and wag our tails, even though we didn't have any, if we had, we would be treated with the respect any other living being did. That's right even a dog was better than us. Us useless humans.

"Move it, don't stall, I don't have time for this. They're so slow they can't even understand a simple order. I said move it!"

We were looked down upon, treated like garbage. We were to fulfill our purpose and then die. If we lost our purpose, from age, sickness or injury we were disposed off, or in other words killed. The law stated only on hing about us:

 Chapter 13 §56 - Humans are not to be given possessions or any status as they themselves are possessions and can't be given any rights.

I read this over and over and then read the paragraph under:

Chapter 13 §57 -  The six kings of the board has the rights to change any beings status and change any part of the law.

I then cursed every king in the world before I was punished for reading, since as a human I was not allowed to learn to read, it wasn't necessary to know as a slave.

"Here, that will be twenty pennies."

"She's cheap. Any reason why?"

"She has an attitude, nothing to worry about with a bit discipline."

"An attitude you say?"

"She bit one of the escorts and I heard she was a troublemaker at her orphanage as well. Nothing big though."

"I hope she won't make too much racket, the master hates noise."

"Oh sir, please, you know how humans are. With the right methods they will soon be at your feet at beck and call. That's why they're such good slaves."

I was worth twenty pennies that's as much as a cheap meal would go for. You couldn't buy a message bird for twenty pennies. For twenty pennies I was sold to the head chief of the royal dragons palace, where I would die as a slave, either tomorrow or in a few decades. Or that was what was expected.


So I was thinking of starting this story. What do you think?

This is my first fantasy story so please judge kindly and show mercy on me.


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