A Romantic Outing ( Logicality Special )

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(The song is what's playing later in the fanfic just so you know)

Morality was in the living room scrolling through pictures of puppies on his phone when Logic walked in.

"Hello Morality." He greeted.

"Hey Logan." Morality smiled back clicking lock in his phone. "What's shakin'?"

"Well I was wondering..." Logic cleared his throat, looking to the side, And adjusted his glasses semi-awkwardly. "If... If you wouldn't mind participating in sharing a romantic outing with me... today?"

Morality perked up titling his head in slight confusion. Then his smile expanded. "I'd love to!"

"Splendid, shall we leave now then? That is if you aren't already preoccupied." Logan couldn't help but feel a small smile tug at his lips.

"Nope." Morality jumped up popping the p. "I'm all set, lead the way."


The pair decided to go out for a slight walk through the city first. Since Thomas could think up almost any place in the world and put faces of millions of bystanders into his mind, it was practically just like the real world, except they didn't have to leave the comfort of his conscience.

"Awe isn't it adorable?" Morality asked as they stopped at a small store and he had put on a dog-ear headband. "Look I'm a cute little puppy, arf!"

"Honestly it perplexes me that despite being considered a parental figure you still act so juvenile." Logic sighed, but in all reality in his mind he was indeed thinking about how cute Morality looked.

"Logan you're always so black and white." Morality frowned slightly.

"I am not, I can be very vibrant." He defended. He then walked to the counter paying for the headband, and thanking the cashier.

"Yay, thank you!" Morality cheered quietly as they left the shop.

"You're welcome." Logic smiled again.

Morality looped his arm into Logan's as they walked resting his head on his shoulder slightly. "So far this is a really good romantic outing."

Logic felt himself blush slightly and looked straight ahead to hide it as he enjoyed the warm, and admittedly confusing to him at least, feeling of Morality on his arm.


They were just finishing dinner at a restaurant by the water. It was a clear night so they ate outside as a live band played and the city lights gleamed off the water.

"That was sooo good, we have to eat here again sometime." Morality smiled resting his elbow in the table and putting his chin in the palm of his hand. "We will come here again, right?" He asked it expectantly his eyes shining with hope.

"Of course, If that is what you desire." Logic replied trying to hide his nervousness. He was so glad that Morality was having fun, and wanted to do it again.

He himself was having fun, and he was honestly in some state of confusion because he wasn't used to feeling this happy simply by spending time with another person. It was... different.
But he liked it...

"Great." Morality smiled as the waitress came to take the check and clear the table. He was saddened slightly by the thought that the night was almost over. He let his eyes wander around to the band playing soft music and the few couples dancing together in the docks. "We should dance..." he suggested without really thinking.

Logic showed obvious surprise. "What?"

"Yeah!" Morality said more confident now. "It'd be fun, don't you think?" They started to stand.

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