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Felicia's PoV

I started to walk towards the small dot, it became smaller and smaller the more steps I took towards it. I suddenly stopped and turned 185 degrees. I squint my eyes to get a better view of the person in front the bright light. My body stood still with all my muscles ready to fight. The hands of mine got a tight firm grip on the wooden spoon next to me. Who is it? What should I do?
The person started to walk towards me, little did I know it was danger.
"Felicia is that you honey?" I asked with a clam voice but no answer did I get. The person took slow long steps and was now 3 meters away from me. It was Felicia. Oh thank goodness.
"Darling you scared me. What are you doing here, shouldn't you be at home? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" I asked my young neighbour with hug. She didn't respond my questions not the hug. Maybe she is having a bad day. I went to the cafeteria kitchen and started to cook some food for her to take with her home, it seems right to do that favor to a young lady living alone far away from her family.  " Felicia can you give the knife over the counter?" I said while point without looking.
Suddenly I felt a horrible cold pain growing in my right shoulder, it went deeper. No sounds came out of my mouth. My body fell on the hard stone floor as I saw Felicia smiling with the knife in her right hand. I took my last breath happily as I thought of all memories with my beloved ones.
I will miss you,
I hope you happiness,
I love you my darling Namjoon.
Don't miss me too much.

" We are here gathered with our beloved partner, neighbour, chef, son and friend......" The priest said as Namjoon sat next to the corpse crying his heart out. The tears fell down his cheeks and on to the grass.

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