Now being of age, the prince wasted no time in beginning to court. He made sure his staff only prepared the ballroom in the most beautiful way, and only allowed the most beautiful people to be in attendance.
The staff never minded the courting, thinking that maybe if he met a young woman, she'd change him for the better. Even though it was a lot of work to set up the ballroom for such an elegant event nearly monthly - due to the fact the prince would always tease and never picked any of the woman who so desperately wanted to be with him. The few minutes the staff got to watch the dancing take place, was nearly the only real break they ever had.
During one specific courting event, Lumiére had been standing relatively close to the dancers, and luckily too. For when he stood so close, a young woman of a dark completion had tripped over her long, heavy, gorgeous dress. Before she could smack onto the ground and cause a scene by throwing the other woman off, Lumiére was luckily right there, and caught the young woman. The second their eyes met, it was love.
Once she stopped courting all together, Plumette, the woman who had fallen over, generously took up the job as a maid within the castle, all to be closer to her love. Even if it meant having to wear a ridiculous outfit and heavy wig as she worked every single day - with no exceptions.

As months went by, the staff were on their toes, as Mrs. Potts had mentioned she needed to speak to the prince about something very important. Mrs. Potts had raised the prince from a small child, so she couldn't help but feel humiliated as her hands shook as she approached the man who sat in his chair at the end of the large dinning table.
Cogsworth, Lumiére, and Maestro Cadenza, all watched from the kitchens doorway with nervous expressions as they watched the woman approach the prince. These three men were very close with Mrs. Potts, mainly because they were a few of the first servants to work inside of the palace along side her in years previous. They knew she could handle whatever the prince threw her way. But after spending years together, they all couldn't help but feel like family. So they felt it was their job to watch over the woman as she took such a risk.

When the maid approached his seat, the prince inhaled deeply before adjusting himself so he sat straight up.

"How was dinner, Master?" Mrs. Potts spoke softly as she held her trembling hands behind her.

"Divine." The prince answered simply as he stared up at the woman, being able to /feel/ her nervousness roll off her.

"That's just lovely." She forced a smile and turned her shad slightly, glancing back at the three men who were so eagerly watching her every move.

After getting a small smile from each, Mrs. Potts turned her attention back to the prince. She inhaled before letting out a small sigh. She didn't know how to tell him. So she instead just said it the first way it came to mind;
" you know. I am wed...." she explained slowly as she noticed the princes expression tense up a bit at the mention of her husband, who lived down in the village. The prince hated the villagers. He may have saw his staff as inferior, but the villagers were so low on his scale that he barley had an opinion on them. But the fact that the woman who had raised him was married to a villager did mean he couldn't rant aloud about them as he usually did when she was near.
Whenever the prince would travel down to the village, she always went with him, all so she could visit her husband. The prince didn't like it. But he wanted her to be happy.

"Yes. I am aware." The prince dragged his finger around his wine glass as he listened to the woman speak ever so softly.

"Well.....Master....I just thought I should inform you that....well....I am with child. So I may be less attentive to your needs as I typically am." She spoked, but quickly regretted everything she had said when she saw the princes blue eyes widened.

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