Best Friends.

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guys i am so sorry for the shit opening chapters i didn't like plan anything at the start so now like the first five chapters span from like September to February of 2013-2014. god that's awful. but it gets better and actually planned and updated fairly regularly compared to like the first three chapters that were updated like six months apart omgi was so shit when i start this god. PLEASE KEEP READING IT'S LESS SHIT LATER ON. (hahahaha im re-reading this in 2019 and i cannot deal with younger me, thanks for reading loves)

I sighed, staring down at the page of trigonometry in front of me.

'Ew.' I muttered.

 Thankfully the phone rang, and I dashed to answer it before my mom could yell abuse down it. 'Kerr Residence, Athena speaking.' I greeted.

'Athena, you better get down here.' The southern acent of Sal sounded from the other end of the phone.

'Sal, what have they done?' I asked rushing over to grab my jacket.

'They may or may not have started a bar fight and are now breaking bottles over several of my customers heads.' I stopped  in my tracks and let out an angry groan. 'I'm on my way.' I sighed.

I hung up and threw the phone onto the couch. 'Mom, I'm heading down downtown, gotta sort something out.' I didn't wait for her answer because I knew it wouldn't be good.

Merle had taught us to drive over the summer, so I ran up to their house through the forest path, and opened Daryl's blue truck. I climbed in and searched for the keys that he always left in it. Idiot. I found them and turned the car on.

I did not have my license but I didn't need it. The cops around here knew me, and knew if I was driving Dary'ls truck and he wasn't in it, I was going to sort out some shit they had gotten themselves into and would normally arrive and help.

As I drove down the road I reviewed how many times Daryl and Merle had been left off the hook by the cops around here. And it was pretty often. It was a close knit town and since Daryl, Merle and I were pretty much the outcasts the cops knew our story. Who our parents were, what they did. They knew why Daryl and Merle acted out and mostly tried to help them. But nothing could help them. Not after what they had been through.

I mean come on, their dad beating them when he is sober enough to stand up and their mom dieing when they were young. They used to live down in the town until their old house went up in flames and their mom died in it. Their dad got worse then, he drank more and beat harder. As the boys got older Merle would take off to get away from it, drinking himself. He left Daryl on his own with his dad. Daryl often took to the woods with his dad's crossbow, going unnoticed by his dad.

I pulled up outside the bar. Some of the older men were outside waiting for the boys to cool down.

I climbed out and they spotted me. 'Lil' Missus I know you can normally handle these boys but I wouldn't go in there if I was you.' Barney said as I stopped by the picnic benches. 'Yeah, I dont want to, but I have to.' He touched my hand and gave me a hopeful smile.

I sighed and shoved the door open.

There was druken men fighting - everywhere. Broken glass on the ground. Beer and liquor spilt everywhere. I turned in a circle and spotted Sal's kids hidden on a windowsil. I ran over to them and  took the three year old girl out of her nine year old sister's hands.

'Hey, come on.' I took Jeanie's hand and led them back outside.

'Barney, look after them while I sort the place out?' He smiled and nodded. He took Lucy off me and then began to tell a story to Jeanie.

The Dixon's Best Friend. [Daryl Dixon Fanfiction.]Where stories live. Discover now