Ch. 1 Into the Sun

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Ch. 1 Into the Sun


The world was saved. Violet Amor Knight, the almost fully fledged demigod, sacrificed herself to not only save Earth, but the man she loved…Eric Northman.


Eric’s P.O.V.

9 p.m.

          It’s been 1,095 days and nights since I have killed you. It’s been 1,095 days and nights since I have kissed you, held you, tasted your blood…

          I swore I heard your heart beat. I know I did when they let me see you one last time. You were cold, pale, but still I knew I heard it. As my bloody tears stained your white dress- it was there. But they grabbed me and thrust me back to Earth, back to this hell. For any life without you is no life at all. This is why my love I cannot take it any longer.

          I tried- I tried to do what you told me before the door sucked your precious life out of you. But I could not be strong. You were my strength, and now that you are truly gone I cannot go on any longer. So I will wait here. I, the murderer of soon both of us, will stand on this rooftop of this building, and wait to meet the sun. I will end what you stopped three years ago. Dear Violet, please forgive me…


Pam’s P.O.V.

          It was night and something in the air felt terribly wrong. Ever since Violet sacrificed herself Eric has not been the same. At first he fought the gods to let him see her, and finally it was Max that was able to convince them to give Eric just a few moments with Violet’s dead body. After he came tumbling out of the clouds and landed on the ground just outside my house. When I went to him he looked like a god had beaten to almost total death. From what he told me, it was Athena. She beat him till again Max stepped in, and then she cast him to Earth.

          Since then he didn’t want to be around anyone. He retreated to his Island for almost three years leaving me here in Shreveport where I had Fangtasia rebuilt and ran the business as my own. I made sure to extend it a little with a few V.I.P. rooms, but other than that it was the old bar my maker had made such a great business. Even with Eric gone business was still amazing, but it was not the same. Nothing was the same.

          When Eric came back he just stayed at Fangtasia. He didn’t want to talk to anyone, feed from anyone or anything, and most importantly he never wanted to be interrupted when he was drawing in the basement.

          One night after I was done closing I went down stairs of Fangtasia to check up on him. Normally this would be his drawing time, but I didn’t seem to bother him as I looked at what he was drawing. My eyes opened wide when I saw picture after picture of Violet. They were masterpieces. Every single one of them was beautiful, practically a photograph. Then I saw an actual photo of Violet and Eric lying on a small table beside him, smiling. I remembered the night it was taken. It was just any other night with Violet being her regular dorky self. She was taking pictures of me and a few others of the employees until she got to Eric. When she asked him to smile he of course gave one of his seductive faces, but she asked him again for a true smile. At first it seemed he didn’t know what to do until Violet handed me the camera and asked for me to take a picture of them. I obliged and watched as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and then asked him to once more smile with her. When it was over and I looked back at the picture on the digital camera, I could see it was a legitimate face of happiness. That is what Violet was: happiness.

          However tonight something in me was screaming something bad was going to happen. So I went to the bar in search for my maker and couldn’t find him. I began to panic and tried to call him but he never answered or anything. I had no choice but to call Bill and Sam. Preferably I would have liked to do this on my own, but this was Eric we were talking about so I told them to meet me at Fangtasia in the back office.

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