Chapter Twelve: The Black Dragoness

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Terrador was green, and covered in what seemed to be armour plates. He was very powerfully built. At the end of his tale was a large club. He was currently being held in a huge iron cage abov the ground, and underneath was a crystal, which connected to him with a strange green lightning. It seemed to be draining something from him.

"That must be another one of those crystals!" said Spyro, "That means Cynder hasn't been here yet."

As he spoke, the lightning faded, and the crystal glowed green. Terrador stirred.

"Terrador!" shouted Spyro, "We're here to save you!"

Terrador lifted his head, but rather than looking relieved or happy, he looked terrified.

"No!" he shouted, "Go away, it's a trap!"

The ground beneath them shook, and something burst it's way through the stone. Spyro felt a coldness flow through him as he saw the gigantic, black form, and he backed away.

"So," said Cynder, looking down at him, "This is the all-powerful dragon I've heard so much about? Pathetic!"

"Run!" shouted Terrador. Spyro backed up to the crystal.

"You have caused quite a lot of trouble," said Cynder, "Now it's time to pay the price."

She advanced on him, and for a second their eyes met.

When they did, the strangest thing happened. Cynder stopped moving, looking confused, and she seemed to change. She certainly looked a lot less intimidating. Her scars faded, and she appeared younger. Her eyes changed from yellow to green...

Then she shook her head, and turned back to normal. She dived at him, but before she could land a blow, she was tackled to the ground by Terrador, who had managed to break his cage.

In the confusion, Spyro picked up the crystal and tried to fly away with it, but it was so heavy that he couldn't go very fast. Cynder managed to fight Terrador off, and flew up to Spyro.

"I'll take that," said Cynder, knocking the crystal out of his claws.

"Get out of here!" shouted Terrador, "Fly away, as fast as you can!"

Spyro dived into the hole that Cynder had made, and she followed after him.

Once again, Spyro found himself hurtling past giant machines and spouts of molten rock, but this time, it was all the more terrifying, as Cynder was close behind him. He swooped and dived to dodge her many attacks. It seemed impossible to get away from her.

Soon, Spyro flew out of the mines, and back over the forest, Cynder still in pursuit. They passed rivers, hills, lakes and mountains, and still she wouldn't give up the chase. They were coming close to the temple, and then Spyro had an Idea.

"Sparx, we need to get back to the temple, she can't get us in there!" he shouted. Sparx tried to respond, but was too scared to make any noise.

Soon, they saw the silhouette of the dragon temple on the hill. Spyro and Sparx flew full pelt toward the temple, and soon the gate was visible.

"We need to pass through the gate, and then we're safe!" said Spyro, "She can't follow us through!"

Cynder flew ever closer. She swiped her long claws through the air, attempting to seize one of them.

"Just a little closer!" said Spyro. He put on one last burst of speed.

With a huge swell, he and Sparx flew through the gate and into the temple. Cynder stopped abruptly on the other side, staring at them with hatred.

"Where you at now, huh?" shouted Sparx. Cynder hissed.

"Can't touch us in here!" added Sparx.

"Is that so, huh?" growled Cynder.

"SPYRO, SPARX, GET AWAY FROM THE GATE!" shouted Ignitus from the other side of the room.

Without warning, and to the great horror of Spyro and Sparx, Cynder effortlessly came through the gate and proceeded to advance on them. Spyro and Sparx ran away in terror, and a bright red wall of fire burst between them and the black dragoness. Ignitus was flying above it, fuelling it.

"You can't have him," said Ignitus, flying over the wall, "Not yet."

"Yet?" said Cynder, "What's that supposed to mean? We finally meet in person, Ignitus."

"We've met before," said Ignitus, "You just wouldn't remember it."

"What is he talking about?" said Spyro quietly. Sparx shrugged.

"You can't hold me back forever, Ignitus," snarled Cynder, "Even you will run out of energy sometime."

It was true. Ignitus seemed to be concentrating harder and harder, and the wall was beginning to fade slightly.

"Then take me," said Ignitus, "Take me, leave the others."

"He always said you were wise," said Cynder, "But wisdom isn't the same as intelligence."

The wall vanished as Cynder made Ignitus pass out with a strange black mist. Then, she hoisted him into her arms, and carried him out of the temple.

"Ignitus! NOO!" shouted Spyro, attempting to follow him out, but finding his way blocked by Terrador.

"Get out of the way!" said Spyro, "I have to save him!"

"You can't, not yet," said Terrador.

"I don't care, let me through!" demanded Spyro.

"Spyro, you aren't powerful enough yet," said Terrador, "But if you come with me, you will be."

Spyro gave up trying to pass him, and dropped back to the ground, defeated.

"I will teach you the ways of Earth, and then you will be ready," said Terrador. They both returned to the temple, Spyro feeling ashamed.

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