Chapter Four: Ignitus

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The next day, Spyro stood in front of the house, saying goodbye to his family.

"I hope I'll see you again," he said quietly to his parents.

"We hope to see you too," they replied. 

"Use that breath of yours wisely," said his father. Spyro began to walk across the garden, but was confronted by an annoyed looking Sparx.

"So that's it, then?" said Sparx, "You're just leaving?"

"Yes, Sparx," said Spyro.

"Why can't I come with you?" said Sparx.

"It's too dangerous for you!" said Spyro, "You'll get hurt."

"What you think I'm weak?" said Sparx.

"No Sparx," said Spyro sadly, "This is your home. My home is out there somewhere, and I need to find it."

Sparx flew moodily away. Spyro gave one last look back at his family, who waved, and then he walked on.

He walked past all the familiar sights for the last time, and ventured into the unknown, where he had always been forbidden to go.

He came to the spot where he had met the apes, and stopped. It was here that it had all started. It seemed incredible it had only been 24 hours since he was there.

He pressed on, deeper into the swamp. As he walked, he heard rustling in the trees, and movement among the shrubs.

Keeping an eye out for more apes, he slowly proceeded. It was several tense minutes before anything else happened.

"Spyro!" said a voice, and a golden glow erupted in his eyes.

"Whaa" yelled Spyro. His eyes adjusted and he saw that Sparx has buzzed in front of him.

"Sparx?" said Spyro, "What are you doing here?"

"Well," said Sparx, "Me and the old man have been chatting, and we've both agreed that... well, friends belong together, and he said I could come with you."

Spyro hesitated, then said "Fine, but stay with me. I think there are more of those creatures around here."

They walked forwards. Occasionally, Spyro caught a glimpse of an ape disappearing into the woods or up a tree.

"Why won't they attack?" said Spyro quietly.

From above there came an almighty terrifying roar. Spyro and Sparx looked up, and to there horror they saw a gigantic creature flying toward them.

"WHAT IS THAT?!" shouted Spyro.

"WHO CARES, RUN!!" replied Sparx. Both of them went as fast as they could, breaking through the undergrowth in a haste to escape the creature, but it didn't seem to matter how fast they ran, the creature was able to catch up with ease.

Spyro spotted a hole in the ground that seemed to lead into a small tunnel.

"Sparx, down here!" said Spyro. He jumped into the hole, and Sparx followed. The creature was to big to follow them, and so flew on, giving up its chase.

"We can't go back up, in case it's waiting for us," said Spyro, "We'll have to see where this leads."

They both began to move down the tunnel, which steadily widened around them. Eventually it opened up into a cave, which was just big enough to house something on the other side.

Spyro stared in amazement at what he saw. It looked unmistakably like him, but it was much much bigger, and its body was completely red. It had the look of something that had once been powerfully built but now had aged quite a bit. 

"Man, and I thought you were a big one!" said Sparx. The creature lifted its head.

"Who's there?" he asked.

"Don't worry, we're friends," Spyro called out. He gathered that they could not be seen, as the creature was looking around frantically.

"That would depend," he replied.

"We're looking for someone," said Spyro, walking slowly forwards.

"And who might that be?"

Spyro stepped into the light.

"His name's Ignitus," said Spyro, "Have you heard of him?"

The old creature's eyes widened in amazement.

"Y-you're alive!" he stammered. Spyro nodded.

"I can't believe it, all these years...But no, there's no point now..."

"What are you talking about?" said Spyro.

"Forgive me," he said, "I am Ignitus, and I have been searching for you for years, and just when I give up, you appear."

"But what exactly am I?" asked Spyro.

"You mean you don't know?" asked Ignitus. Spyro shook his head.

"You are a dragon," said Ignitus, "And a very special dragon at that. The ancient prophecies foretold of a purple dragon that would rid the world of the forces of darkness and restore the peace we had worked so hard to keep."

"Wait," said Sparx, "You're telling me Spyro's some magic, once-in-a-purple...thing? Who-ho-ho, I think you should get some rest, pal."

"Yeah," said Spyro, "There's nothing special about me..."

"Spyro, is it? Well, there is Spyro, much more than you know. But to explain, I must start from the beginning," said Ignitus, "We were at war...

"Decades ago, the dark forces lay waste to our world, and threatened our way of life. I, and the other guardians, prevented the destruction with our combined powers. It soon proved that they were no match for us, and the tides of battle shifted in our favour. 

But just as the scales tipped, Cynder came..."

"Cynder?" asked Spyro.

"Yes," said Ignitus, "Cynder.

A ferocious, gigantic, monstrous black dragon who quickly became the figurehead of the dark armies."

"Ok, you had me at ferocious," said Sparx, "Sounds like that thing that was chasing us, Spyro."

"She plucked the guardians one by one from battle," Ignitus continued, "And soon our armies fell, and scattered into the out lands of the world. Now, only I remain, and there is no hope left for us, no hope left for this world. You might as well go home, Spyro, you might survive a little longer."

"Wait," said Spyro, "You tell me I'm this amazing, special dragon, and then you tell me all is lost?"

"All is lost, Spyro, there's no one left to fight..." said Ignitus.

"There's me!" said Spyro, "And you, if you change your mind."

"We are only two people..." said Ignitus.

"And Cynder is just one, and she was able to turn the war," Spyro pointed out. Ignitus looked down at the young dragon before him.

"Maybe you're right, Spyro, but if we are to fight, then we'll need to find the other guardians. We'll go back to the dragon temple. When we're there, I will be able to locate them, and then we can bring them back," said Ignitus.

"Great!" said Spyro, "Were is this dragon temple?"

"A day's journey north," said Ignitus, "We best get moving."

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