Chapter Two: Bringer of Fire

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Flash and Nina decided to name the dragon Spyro, which in the ancient language translated to "Bringer of Fire". Like all dragons, Spyro accepted the world he lived in, and believed himself to be a part of it. All his life he grew up believing he was a dragonfly, but just bigger and purpler than the rest. He grew much larger over the years. From small stubs on the side of his head grew sharp bronze horns, and down his back ran a set of curved spines. His wings were also bronze, but as they differed greatly from dragonfly wings, he could not learn how to fly, and had to proceed on foot while the other dragonfly children flew off. His foster brother, Sparx, stayed by his side in these occasions. Spyro and Sparx were virtually inseparable. They spent every day together, playing and chasing each other.

Twelve years and three months since Spyro had hatched, he and Sparx were doing as they always did: Sparx flew away while Spyro attempted to catch him. They ran happily through the swamp together.

"Come on, slowpoke, you can go faster than that!" said Sparx. Spyro smiled and ran towards him. He spotted the dragonfly hovering near what seemed to be a tunnel in the trees.

As Spyro came near, Sparx took off down the tunnel. Spyro dug his claws into the dirt to stop himself, and looked down the dark mass of trees.

"Sparx!" he said "We aren't supposed to go down there!"

"One thing you need to learn, sometimes you gotta break the rules!" came Sparx's voice. Spyro hesitated, and slowly followed him in. It was much colder in here, and a lot less welcoming. Spyro pushed on, searching for his friend. He followed the muddy, damp path deeper into the dense undergrowth, his head a constant swivel, the ever-growing feeling of being watched mounting within him.

Soon, he noticed Sparx's glow from round a corner. He shouted to him.

"Sparx, I really think we should go back!"

"Come on! We haven't met any dangers ye-WHAAA!!" Dread filled Spyro like ice. He sprinted round the corner, and stopped when he heard voices.

"Look at this!" said one very gruff voice, "Caught me a dragonfly! 'e'll make for a good price!"

"You idiot!" said another voice, and a thump and a loud "ouch!" told Spyro the second person had hit the first, "We 'ave strict orders to bring 'em to shadow fort! You know what she'll do if you keep any!"

"Alright, gerroff me!" said the first voice, and then Spyro heard Sparx speak.

"Look, guys, It's been fun and all, but I really must be going"

"Shut ya gob!" said the second voice "You think that's enough? How many more of these things can she possibly need?"

"Never know with 'er" replied the first voice "But let's bring back the haul anyway"

Spyro crept from the trees, and saw the speakers. They were two towering, muscular and heavily armed apes. Unable to keep the fear from his voice, he shouted "Hey, let them go!"

The apes turned. The first ape snorted and said "Look at this! Thinks 'e can take us on". The second ape, however, was not so amused. His eyes widened in shock.

"What? How? How the ruddy heck is that possible?!" he said, worry in his voice.

"You keep him busy, I need to report to Cynder!" said the second ape to the first, and he took off without further ado. The first ape drew an iron, curved sword, and rounded on Spyro. Spyro managed to land a kick in the ape's midsection, winding it. In the moment of distraction, Spyro grabbed Sparx, who was concealed in a jar.

"You okay?" asked Spyro.

"Yeah, fine. Maybe we shouldn't have gone in here after all!" replied Sparx. Spyro heard a yell, and turned just in time to see the ape towering over them, sword held aloft.

Impulse took over him, and strangely he knew what he had to do. Spyro opened his mouth to shout.

No sound escaped his lips. Instead, a great jet of bright red flame bursted from his mouth, and struck the ape in the face. The ape fell back, yelling in pain, holding his seared face. Spyro grabbed Sparx's case, and ran, back through the trees, back down the tunnel.

He came back into glorious familiarity. The welcoming sight of his home overtook him.

"Did I just see that?" said Sparx, his face showing nothing but awe, "Did you seriously just breathe fire?!"

"Looks like it!" said Spyro.

Spyro eventually managed to break the jar containing Sparx, and together they made their way back home. Exactly how he would explain to his parents was beyond Spyro.

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