Chapter Eleven: Munitions Forge

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It was nearing midnight when Spyro walked back into the main hall to meet Ignitus. The red dragon was waiting when he walked in.

"Are you sure you're feeling up for this, Spyro?" Ignitus asked, "Munitions forge will be your hardest challenge yet. It is the great mine in which Cynder's army collects materials for its weaponry, and it will be heavily guarded."

"I'm sure I can manage," said Spyro.

"Yeah, we're still going on the rule that if Cynder shows up, run for the hills, right?" said Sparx. Ignitus nodded, but also rolled his eyes.

"Terrador will be being kept in the centre," said Ignitus, "You'll have to find a way through the mine shafts to get to him."

Ignitus directed Spyro in the right direction, and soon, he and Sparx were off. It took longer to get to the mines than it had to get to the tundra and to tall plains. When they got there, they were greeted by an overwhelming heat, and the looming shadow of the volcano overhead. Rivers of lava flowed from the rock, as well as iron rails which delved into deep and dark tunnels.

"Pick a tunnel," Spyro said to Sparx.

"I don't know, that one," replied Sparx. The walked into a tunnel on the right, and as they ventured forward, it grew darker around them.

They saw a small light ahead of them, that was bobbing away. Spyro sped up to catch up with it, and found it was attached to a hat on the head of an odd looking creature, which seemed to be a mole wearing a large rimmed hat, and holding a walking stick.

"GAH!" said the creature when he spotted them, "I was just going back, I swear! Please don't punish me!"

"Punish you?" said Spyro, confused.

"Aren't you part of Cynder's army?" said the creature. Spyro shook his head.

"Then please, forgive me. My name is Mole-yair," said the creature, "My people have been rounded up by Cynder's monkeys and forced to mine and make weapons for them. I managed to escape, but I have no where else to go, and I can't leave my people behind!"

"Maybe you can help us," said Spyro, "We're looking to free someone, as well. Maybe you can tell us where he is?"

"If he's a mighty dragon, I certainly can!" said Mole-yair, "He's being held in a labour camp at the foot of the volcano. I will warn you, Cynder has been visiting very frequently lately, and he isn't too fond of visitors."

"We'll keep that in mind," said Spyro, "Is there anything we can do for you?"

"Well, at the same camp, my brother is being kept. His name is Exhumour. If you can free him, he can help me free the other moles," said Mole-yair.

"We'll find him," promised Spyro, "Thank you."

"You're very welcome, my friend," said Mole-yair. After that, Spyro and Sparx ventured further into the mine. Thanks to Sparx, Spyro was able to see where he was going in the dark tunnels, as the little dragonfly let off a bright golden glow. The only problem Spyro could see was that if an ape wandered into the tunnel, it would be difficult to hide Sparx.

Spyro wandered into a large cavern that was lit by a large flow of magma. Throughout the chamber, there were many iron structures and shafts that had been constructed. Spyro could see many moles mining the ores around the walls, with apes overseeing them. He attempted to get through without being seen, but an ape atop a large metal watchtower alerted the others to his presence.

Ape after ape charged at him. Spyro froze many of them, which allowed him to attack the ones behind him first with a fireball. His new ice abilities came in handy in the shear numbers of apes that were attacking. He held his ground very well, but eventually, he was forced to step back.

As he stepped away from the apes, he tripped, and fell into a small ditch, at the bottom of which was a minecart. When he landed, it began to move forward.

"Are you ok, buddy?" asked Sparx.

"Fine," said Spyro, sitting up. The cart began to speed up as the ground sloped.

"Umm, Sparx," said Spyro, "You might want to hold onto something!"

The cart went faster and faster as it dropped into the tunnel. Sparx grabbed onto Spyro's horns as the cart accelerated to breakneck speed as it dropped down a near vertical drop. Both of them screamed as it went down. Soon the track levelled out and went into an enormous hall full of lava and gigantic mining structures, which were all moving and clanking and puffing out steam.

The cart went into another tunnel and flew around a curve, and began to rise. As it went up, the cart began to slow down. Soon, they gently came to a stop beside a huge iron fence, on the other side of which were another troop of apes, more moles, and a group of tiny huts.

They both sat, wide eyed and breathing heavily for a moment, trying to get over what had just happened. Eventually, Spyro came to his senses and looked around.

"This must be the labour camp," he said quietly. Sparx made an odd noise from on top of Spyro's head, not letting go of his horns. Spyro climbed out of the minecart and looked in to the camp. There seemed to be something going on.

"Get your paws off me, you damn dirty ape!" said one mole at the centre, hitting the ape over the head with his cane.

"Oi, watch were yer swingin' that thing!" shouted the ape. Another one walked up to him.

"Who's this little fella, then?" asked the second ape.

"Exhumour," replied the first, still rubbing his head, "Right little toerag if I ever saw one! Never follows orders!"

"Let's dispose of 'im them," said the second ape. They grabbed Exhumour by the arms and carried him to the side of the camp.

"I tell you, I'll be glad when this little things go-..." the ape was cut off as a fireball hit him in the face, blasting him into the wall. The second ape had no time to react as Spyro hit him across the room with a whack from his horns. He crumpled on top of the first ape.

"Are you alright?" asked Spyro.

"I'm fine," replied Exhumour, "It takes more than a pair of monkeys to frighten me!"

"You're Exhumour," said Spyro, "Mole-yair told me to find you."

"My brother is alive?" asked Exhumour. Spyro nodded.

"He said you would know where our friend is being kept. He's a dragon, like me!" said Spyro.

"I know him," said Exhumour, "He's being held at the very centre of the camp, through the iron doors."

"Thank you," said Spyro, "Mole-yair is waiting by the cavern entrance,"

"Thank you," said Exhumour. Spyro left the cave and saw the doors Exhumour was talking about. He managed to sneak past the guards, and enter through them. On the other side was a strange sort of yard, and at the centre was Terrador.

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