Regulus rolled his eyes and Josh spoke, "You didn't save anyone a trip to anywhere. You tortured us with barbaric techniques."

Farrah rose an eyebrow, "Barbaric techniques?"

Josh nodded, "Yeah, it's something my mum would do."

Regulus snorted, causing the professor to stop her speech and look at him, "Is there a problem, Mr. Black?"

He shook his head and she turned her pointed gaze to Josh, "Mr. Harper?"

Josh replied, "None at all, Professor."

"Then I'd suggest you both stop bothering Miss MacMillan and stop interrupting my class."

Farrah bit her lip to hide the smile threatening to spread across her face as the boys on either side of started to stammer incoherently at the professor's words. Josh huffed and murmured under his breath, "It's always us and never her."

Smirking, the girl nudged him in his side and put her index finger to her lips, gesturing for him to be quiet.

The first day back was rather boring as it was mostly filled with lectures of this year being OWL year (something that gave Farrah a weird feeling in her stomach whenever a teacher mentioned it). The most eventful thing for the day was that Josh had stolen Farrah's Potions notes and accidentally destroyed them which lead to Farrah not speaking to him for the entire day.

"Farrah, please," Josh begged once again as the trio entered the Slytherin common room after dinner, "Just talk to me."

The hazel-eyed girl continued walking into the room, sitting on a couch next to the fire. She dropped her bag in the space next to her, making sure that no one could occupy the same sofa, before she pulled out parchment, a quill and a jar of ink.

Josh nudged Regulus in the side, silently begging the Black to help him out, but Regulus shook his head, "No way, mate. I'm not getting caught in this crossfire."

"Please, Regulus, please," Josh begged, "I never ask you for anything. Just get her to talk to me, please. I think I'll go mad like this."

Regulus chuckled, "Then maybe you shouldn't have called her an over-reacting princess when you destroyed her five years worth of Potions notes and she started to argue with you."

The brown-eyed boy rolled his eyes, "To be fair, she is over-reacting."

Farrah turned her head towards the duo and rose an eyebrow at them before shaking her head and turning back to rewriting her notes (she borrowed Remus' notes and promised him that she'd guard them with her life).

Josh stared directly into Regulus' eyes and silently grovelled, hoping that Regulus would give in and talk to Farrah for him. After three seconds, Regulus sighed and Josh mentally cheered, knowing that he had won.

"Farrah," Regulus said softly as he stooped beside her, "Farrah, sweetie-"

Without looking up from writing, she cut him off, "Tell Josh that if the both of you don't leave me alone, a bucket of cold water will seem like a bed of roses compared to how I will wake you both up tomorrow."

And with those words, she closed the bottle of ink and put everything back in her bag before she stood up and left the common room. As Regulus and Josh watched the door shut behind her, Josh said, "Well, she said she was gonna wake us up tomorrow so she can't be that mad, right?"

While the two Slytherins remained debating whether or not Farrah was going to kill them in their sleep, the dark-haired Muggleborn was skipping down the corridors and towards the kitchens. She tickled the pear on the portrait and swung the door open, a big grin on her face as she entered the room and saw that Remus and Peter were already there.

"Can I get you anything, Miss MacMillan?" Bobbles, one of the house elves, asked Farrah as she sat down by the table.

Farrah shook her head, "Nothing at the moment, Bobbles. But can I have some cheesecake to go, please?"

Bobbles nodded his head before he disappeared, going off to make the cheesecake that Farrah requested.

"Cheesecake?" Peter asked, "Farrah MacMillan only gets cheesecake when she's upset and/or having a bad day."

Remus nodded, "That's true. Having a bad day, Farrah?"

The girl rolled her eyes, "You guys are wankers. I'm not having a bad day, I'm just going to be having a late night. I have to re-write all of my Potions notes. By the way, thanks for lending me yours, Remus, it's a big help."

The werewolf waved her off, "It's no problem. But you do know that you can just make a duplicate of them, right? You are a witch."

Farrah shook her head, "I prefer to do some things the Muggle way. Taking my notes is one of them."

The three of them then launched into a conversation about their vacations. The Gryffindors told Farrah about how the Marauders spent their half of their holidays together while Farrah told them about the tour of Europe that she and Asher went on.

"Wow," Peter said in astonishment before he turned to Remus, "No offense, Moony but I think I'll be spending my holidays with Farrah instead of you guys. She had more fun in a day than we had all month."

Remus took a sip of his hot chocolate before he answered, "None taken, Wormtail, because I don't blame you. I'm thinking of doing the same."

Farrah laughed, "If you guys want to come, you can. My brother loves company. It's why he's always so welcoming of Josh around the holidays."

The girl then stood up, "Speaking of Josh, I should get back to the common room before curfew. I'd hate to get detention."

"You won't get detention," Remus said.

"Sorry to say but not all of the other prefects are as easily bribed as you, Mr. Lupin."

Remus scowled before gesturing to the pin on her robes, "You won't get detention because you're a Prefect now, Miss MacMillan."

"Ohhh," Farrah said, "I actually forgot about that."

Peter shook his head, "You'd forget your head laying around if it wasn't attached to your body, I'm sure."

Farrah waved the boys good night before she left the kitchens, cheesecake in her hands and her bag on her shoulder, ready to stay up all night to copy her notes.

Whether or not she'd speak to Josh depended on how she felt after she ate her cheesecake.

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