Chapter 10: The Distant You

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I rewind my past only to forget it. Everything is over now.

He got married to Emma. He loves her sincerely, I hope, he does. Being in a relationship used to be overrated for him. He better try his best to preserve this new relationship.


I involve in a casual talk with Drew's brother. With similar hair colour, he looks more like my brother. He seems like a chill guy.

Drew comes to us and stares at his younger sibling. He gives a sly smile and leaves.

"What do you want, Drew?"

He gestured me to show my palm.

"For what? I'll not show!" I protest. I don't want people to rumour about us.

He's always manhandling me. He pulls my hand forcedly and places the ring on my palm. It is the ring he gave me on Christmas. I protest against having it. Why'd I accept a ring from a married guy?

"Sue, I gave this to you. So it belongs to you. If you hate me truly, keep it. Or you still love me? You moved on, didn't you?" He stirs up my anger.

"Of course, I moved on. By the way I never loved you, you moron. I'll keep it only for the reason I hate you like hell." I poison his heart with my words.

"It's okay. You're the person I hate the most. No, dislike the most still I can't hate you," he shrugs. Hate and dislike are the same. He's annoying.

After I accepted that stupid yet beautiful ring, he extends a paper to me secretly.

It reads...

The ring always belong to you,
As I belong to you.
To find another girl is possible
But she'll not take your place,
It is just beyond impossible.

Together we will be fine
The stubborn Susan,
She is forever mine. -A.C.

"What does it mean?" I stuff the paper in his hand. "We broke up, we moved on and above all you're married. Remember?" I scream.

I notice the people turn towards us. They are exchanging smiles instead of being shocked. Everyone are acting weird.

Drew too behaves like everything is normal. I gesture him for explanation. Finally that idiot speaks, "Yeah, we broke up on the day I met Chase. Then I dated Emma. She's my childhood friend. I know I have been a complete jerk and it took me a year to realise my love. At the wedding, I tried to explain things but you didn't listen."

His words implies that he still loves me. The people are in utter silence. And Emma is like supporting him. I can't hold my questions. "You're married. After all what is there between us?"

He gets tensed suddenly. He caught my shoulders with a view to calm me down. "Sue, don't be angry. Okay? This whole wedding thing is fake." Fake? He set up a fake wedding. My mind is filled with anger and confusion. I brush his hands off. I hold myself back as I don't want to create a scene. He ignores my reaction and continues, "I just did it to make you understand."

I massage my temple and fold my hands across my waist to compose myself. "Then why is everyone here? You gave me an invitation too," I probe deeper.

He replies immediately, "I gave the invitation only to you. Everyone here are involved in this plan. I convinced them all to make you believe. Today is Emma's birthday. I didn't marry her."

It dawned on me. He's not getting MARRIED. Do we have a chance if being together?

He claps my arm and said, "I did it all for you."

People are giggling at me. I felt very embarrassed. I lose my control and push him away. "You did for me. You made a big fool out of me, Drew. Why did you put up such a drama? That's it. I have lost it for you. I'm out of here," I scream insanely and rushed out of the place. All are quiet expect for some whispers.

I head to the garden to calm myself and sit in a forlorn bench. I hold my tears in as I am too stubborn to cry now. I see some of the guests exiting the mansion. I hate all this drama.

After half an hour, Drew came to me with a bouquet in his hand. I sigh. He says with caution, "Don't go away, please."

I pat the space near me. He takes a seat. He whispers in ears, "You forgive me?"

I say nothing. I wear the ring he gave and convey my thoughts with elegance. My action actually spoke better than words. He suddenly kneels down and gives the bouquet to me. "Susan Elizabeth Fox, will you be my wife or at least my girlfriend?"

I stand up in an instant. I got reminisce of his first proposal and Paris' wedding. The first time he proposed he wasn't sure of what he wanted me to be. He gave choices like girlfriend or half girlfriend or best friend. At Paris' wedding, he lifted me and I caught the bouquet. It was epic.

I smiled brightly. "Yes to the first one. I'll be your wife." I receive the flowers. He stands and pulls me closer. "We need time to prepare for the marriage, Drew," I say hesitantly.

He stares sharply. "No problem. Just tell me the time precisely."

"Six months...," I trailed off. Hope doesn't get angry.

"Make it eight months. We'll marry after Paris gives birth," he says casually and kisses. Paris is going to be a mom. She never mentioned that. I'll deal with her later. I smirked in our kiss.

"So we have a lot of time to refresh our relationship," I say pulling away.

Our relationship is life changing for the both of us. We are not so lovebirds. We'll surely fight but no break ever again.

I see you, Drew, standing closer.
Now I see nothing than you,
Once The Distant You.


Every end has an alternative end.

Kindly take which ending makes more sense to you.

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