Episode XII: Calling upon the moon

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"When the night is dark, it's knowing that morning shall come that keeps you going." Episode#12 synopsis.

The sky was moonless when Rukia and Hanatoro stepped out of a senkaimon into Karakura hence all the stars shined through. There was a clear difference in the aura there from the one they had left behind in the soul society. Rukia thought that it was ironic that she had originally been sent there to watch over the town and now she had arrived to get a resident of the town to rescue the soul society. It was ironic but okay. There was a sense of de ja vu about ‘go get the substitute soul reaper to save us’ routine it now seemed like the default course of action. She still had hope though that there wouldn’t be anything big. After all, she had only seen one strange hooded man and even though he was quite strong, he wasn’t quite at the level of Aizen or Yhwach.
“Let’s go, Hanatoro.” She implored him.
“Right.” He obliged and off they went to fetch the strawberry.

Inside the Kurosaki house, they were preparing for dinner. Ichigo was sitting on the sofa watching TV as his sisters set the table.
“Ichi-nii…why don’t you help out every once in a while?!” Yuzu complained.
“Why would I when you two have everything all covered?” Ichigo responded.
“That’s not so nice, Ichigo.” Karin scolded him. “It’d go faster if we all worked together you know.”
“Nah, it’s alright. I have no problem with the current pace.” Ichigo replied.
“Ichigo!” Yuzu whined.
“Besides, we’re guests here.” He argued. “We’ll be back in the soul society any time soon.”
“When are you going back?” Yuzu asked sadly.
“That’s completely up to Karin.” He answered. “I only came here to make sure she was alright.”
“Karin, when are you going back?” Yuzu asked Karin. Having no answer on her mind, she did not respond to the question for a while.
“The table is all set…” she finally spoke without answering the question. “We should sit down and eat.”
The three sat down and enjoyed the meal mostly quietly. Half way through the meal, there was less to be pre-occupied with on the plates and a lot to be talked about still.
“Your curry is delicious as always, Yuzu.” Ichigo broke the silence.
“Why, thank you.” She responded. At about the same time they heard someone knocking at the door…
“I will get that.” Ichigo offered as he wiped his mouth with a napkin and got up from his seat. The twins remained behind and continued to eat in awkward silence. It was a simple enough question but Karin had failed to give an answer for it.
“So…when are you going back, Karin?” Yuzu asked.
“I don’t know.” Karin answered. “I’m really enjoying it here…”
“Do you mean…you’re not going back?” Yuzu murmured with excitement.
“It’s not really that simple.” Karin responded. “I have squad duties, you know.”
“Well…I wish you could stay.” Yuzu confessed sadly.
“I’d like to stay too.” Karin revealed.

As Ichigo moved towards the door, he heard the person knocking again.
“Hey! I’m coming…don’t break my door!” He shouted. When he opened the door, he was pleasantly surprised by the face he saw.
“Rukia!” he called out in surprise.
“Good evening, captain Kurosaki.” Someone said as they waved a short distance behind Rukia.
“Hanatoro…what are you guys doing here?” He asked. Many years had passed since he was a boy but the silly childish expression often returned and at that moment it had. Ichigo’s eyes were gazing with childish wonder. And then there was a heavy thump and the dual captain fell on his behind!
“Ouch!” he moaned. “What was that for?”
“Why did you shout at me?!” Rukia asked while shouting.
“You were banging my door senselessly!” Ichigo argued while trying to reposition his jaw. “And how do you have such a powerful right hook?!”
“That’s because you took long to respond!” she argued.
“Why are you here anyway?” He asked when he was on his feet once again.
“The head captain sent us to come and get you.” Rukia explained.
“You and Hanatoro? Don’t you think he could have sent better people?” Ichigo dissed her and he regretted it very soon afterwards when he was hit again on the chin.
“Idiot! I was sent with two other captains!!” She clarified.
“Huh! I bet they both ditched you with Hanatoro.” He teased her.
“That’s not what happened at all…” Rukia responded and then went on to explain everything they had encountered on their way to Karakura.

Karin and Yuzu were finishing up their meals when Ichigo came rushing into the dining room.
“Karin, we have to go.” He declared and it was clear from the tone of his voice that something very serious had become known to him. It was very clear that he was not speaking as a brother but as a captain of the 15 court guard squads.
“Right.” Karin obeyed without asking any questions.
“Yuzu, sorry Karin and I have to leave right now.” Ichigo explained. “Something came up…we’ll be back as soon as we can.”
It was something she had accepted a long time ago. Her brother was always going to be out there doing whatever he could for his friends and the world. She had learned to appreciate the short time they were still able to spend together as a family every once in a while. This time was different though because he was taking Karin along. Yuzu could not help getting worried, not this time.
“Ichi-nii…” she called out and Ichigo turned immediately.
“Please take care of Karin, will you?” she begged him and he smiled.
“What are you talking about?” he responded. “Karin takes care of me! Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.”
His response was reassuring but still…she simply could not stop worrying about her twin sister.

Ichigo led the way as they all ran as fast as they could. Rukia, Karin and Hanatoro followed closely behind wondering why they hadn’t just opened a senkaimon on the spot. It was not long before they all found out where he had been leading them.
“I wasn’t expecting you so soon, Kurosaki-san.” a man remarked.
“We both know that’s not true, Urahara-san.” Ichigo responded. “I don’t think you just happened to be chilling on your porch in the middle of the night.”
“Well…you got me.” Urahara conceded. “Good to see you again, captain Kuchiki.”
“Relax the formalities, Kisuke.” Rukia responded. “It does not suit you and it most definitely doesn’t suit me either.”
“Pardon me then.” He said while fondling his hat. “How may I be of help, Kurosaki-san?”
“I need you to train Karin.” Ichigo revealed. “Stay with her here until she’s ready.”
“But Ichigo…” Karin tried to argue.
“It will not be safe.” Ichigo explained to her. “Urahara-san will make sure you’re ready before you join this battle.”
“Alright.” Urahara accepted. “I will do it.”
“Great, thank you.” Ichigo expressed his appreciation.
“And…Hanatoro you should stay too.” He ordered. “You helped me once now I need you to remain behind and help Karin.”
“Okay.” Hanatoro agreed.
“Let’s go, Rukia.” He suggested upon which Rukia opened a senkaimon and they both went in.
It had all started many years before when a shinigami transferred her powers to a human. Theirs was a bond beyond laws and convention.
“Rukia, can you promise me something?” He asked as they ran through the dangai.
“Sure, what is it?” She responded without hesitating.
“When we get into the battle…I want you to stay as far away from me as possible.” He requested.
“Ichigo, I-” she tried to refuse.
“It’s just that…the truth is I cannot fully control my power.” He explained. “It’s always different each time I use it and I might never be able to control it. That’s why I want you to be as far away from me as possible.”
“Okay.” She agreed reluctantly.
“Thank you, Rukia.” Ichigo responded sincerely.

Thanks for your time

- Constino

BLEACH, Night of the full moonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat