Episode XI: Hoodlums III

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It's war once again. Episode XI-synopsis.

The tension was suddenly interrupted when someone came running and bumped into Renji. The person staggered and fell on his backside while Renji was completely unaffected. As soon as he hit the ground, he realised he had just walked into a stand-off and immediately hid behind the captain.
“Hanatoro…what are you doing here?” Renji asked.
“Huh! So it was Hanatoro following us!” Rukia remarked.
“I’m sorry…I heard you were going to the human world to get captain Kurosaki and I thought I’d come along.” Hanatoro explained. “Now I’m starting to think it was not a very good idea.”
“I see. This Kurosaki person seems to be quite popular!” The hooded man jabbered. “Unfortunately, you’ll not be getting him back today.”
“Rukia!” Renji called out. She looked his way and nodded. Hitsugaya swung his zanpakuto and ice proceeded from its tip towards the hooded man. Unlike with Renji’s attack, he jumped out of the way and dodged!
“Just as I thought…” Toushiro remarked. “Your trick only works on direct physical attacks.”
“BANKAI SOUOU ZABIMARU!!” Renji shouted. “I am going to crash you!”
“Why so serious, captain? I’m just an ordinary soul.” The hooded man taunted him. Hitsugaya swung his blade again and a slash of ice moved towards the hooded man. The hooded man swung his weapon and the ice was shattered before it could reach him. Renji stepped forward and grabbed the hooded man’s hand with the giant baboon arm on his bankai. Rukia quickly grabbed Hanatoro and advanced towards the senkaimon.
“I have got you now.” Renji bragged with a grin on his face. Suddenly, a huge blast out of the hooded man’s weapon hit Renji in the chest throwing him hundreds of metres away! The man then quickly turned his weapon on Rukia, who was just about to get into the senkaimon, and he fired! Rukia’s eyes widened in shock because she knew there was no way she could dodge the hit. However, at the very last moment she got a very bright idea…
“BAKUDOU #81: DANKU!!” she shouted forming a kidou wall which protected her and Hanatoro from the attack and ensured they made it safely into the senkaimon.
“That was really close!” She sighed once she was inside the severed world. “I hope Renji will be fine.”
Hanatoro was slouching on the ground trying to catch his breath after what had been a very close call.
“Are you okay, Hanatoro?” Rukia asked with concern.
“I’m okay…just a little scared.” Hanatoro answered honestly.
“Then let’s go. There’s no time to waste. Lives are depending on this…” She implored him and off they ran towards Karakura town.
Please…don’t die, Renji.” Rukia thought.

Isane was trying to treat her sister’s wound when the squad office completely burst into splinters and debris exposing both of them completely. There were swirling vortices of wind all over the squad compound. A hooded man was standing amongst the vortices spinning a metallic staff about.
“I’m very sorry, captain…I am here to kill you.” The hooded man confessed. “Not that I enjoy that sort of thing…it’s just what has to be done.”
The captain hesitated to respond as she finished putting multiple barriers around her sister.
“Why me?” she asked.
“Oh, I think you got me wrong…captain!” The hooded man explained. “It is not personal at all! By you I mean the entire fourth squad!”
“I see.” She said as she stood up and began to move towards him. The hooded man spun his staff and directed one of the wind vortices towards her.
“Bakudou#81: Danku. Run itegumo.” Isane spoke as she simultaneously blocked the attack and released her shikai. “Bakudou#93: Fujikome!”
All the vortices began to move inwards as if there were walls on the side and a ceiling keeping them contained!
“Containment! Huh, I had never heard of that one.” The man commented calmly. “Though I must warn you…do not take me lightly.”
The vortices all moved towards the hooded man and disappeared into the staff! Isane attacked the man with her sword but he blocked the attack with his staff. As soon as the two weapons touched, ice began to form on the staff from the spot of contact spreading out to other parts of the weapon! The hooded man immediately retreated.
“It seems this is going to be a lot harder than I thought!” remarked the hooded man. “I guess all I can do is give it my best and hope I don’t lose…”
He then removed the hood from his head and his reiatsu exploded shattering the captain’s containment barrier completely! His head was completely bold and his eyes were pupil-less! 
“My name is Vitro…” he revealed.
“I am Isane Kotetsu.” The captain responded. Squad four members all converged where they had felt a massive reiatsu being faced their captain.
“Captain!” they shouted.
“Huh! Look at that…I am starting to get lucky!” Vitro remarked and then swung his staff.
“Run away!!” the captain shouted to her squad members but it was too late. All the 4th squad members were instantly hit by slashes of wind and they all fell to the ground bleeding.
“One to go.” Vitro commented while spinning his staff about.

It was business as usual at the 12th squad building. The captain was all over the place yelling insults at his subordinates. He had openly expressed opposition to the captain’s orders and he clearly had no intention of changing his plans.
“Captain, what should we do? What did the head captain say?” Akon asked.
“I don’t care.” Mayuri responded. “Just stay out of my way and take that brat Nemu with you.”
“But captain-” Akon attempted to reason.
“What is it, Akon? Do you want to get in my way?” Mayuri asked while rolling his eyes with his face inches away from Akon’s and his tongue popping out.
“No…No sir.” Akon murmured. “I’ll just take Nemu and go.”
“Kurotsuchi Mayuri…” someone called.
“Who are you?” Mayuri asked. “Actually, never mind. I will have you address me as ‘captain Kurotsuchi’ regardless of who you are.”
“Oh, I’m afraid that will not be possible…Kurotsuchi Mayuri.” The man insisted.
“You insolent fool!” Mayuri cursed. “I’m going to show you the face of true horror. Crawl out, Ashisogi Jizou!”

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