Episode II: Beneath the shadow II

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I know who I am, I know where I am, I know where I want to go but I don't know the way- Episode II, synopsis

“Lea…we do not take orders from you!!” One of the arrancars complained.                            
“Shut up, Duardo!!” Lea responded.                                                                                                                
“He’s right, you’re not our boss.” the other two arrancars concurred. All the arrancars had changed both physically and in terms of reiatsu. Their reiatsus, which had been quite massive from the start, had grown even bigger. The most vocal arrancar, a female who had a bold shave and a neck covered in an exo-skeleton, was now completely covered in hard armour with blades protruding from both hands and had four fiery wings-the fire bird; pajaro de fuego. Another turned into a beast with massive fore limbs, a helmet and glowing red eyes-desire; deseo. Cranjero was a giant white crab with two massive claws and six legs. The fourth arrancar had turned into a humanoid alligator with a very long tail and alligator jaws on his right hand-caiman.
“It doesn’t really matter…if I am your boss or not.” Lea spoke, “We have a traitor to deal with, we can save the bickering for later.”
The alligator went in first with his jaws but when the shinigami blocked, he hit her with his tail and sent her rolling on the ground! This was followed by a fiery attack from the fire bird and an attempted attack from the crab which she managed to dodge. However, she was met by a jab from the massive hands of the other arrancar. In a short while, she had sustained a lot of injuries and she was really exhausted. All the four arrancars gathered around her as she tried to get back up to her feet while panting…
“The whole shinigami thing does not suit you at all!!” One of the arrancars mocked her and the other three laughed. The shinigami was bleeding from her forehead and her left hand.
“I see…” the shinigami murmured, “It can’t be helped then…”
She held her zanpakuto in her right hand and released a huge amount of reiatsu! The arrancars were taken aback by this sudden change in the situation.
“EXTOL! GAMUZA!!” the shinigami yelled and her reiatsu exploded in all directions!
In another fight, Omaeda was trying to finish off his opponent very fast- assassination style- as would be expected of a vice-captain of the 2nd squad. His plan involved distracting his opponent and then attacking with a finishing blow when it was least expected…
“Say, arrancar, what if I gave you some money to buy whatever you want…would you be willing to reconsider and go back to Hueco Mundo?!” jabbered Omaeda.                  
“What would I need money for?” asked the arrancar.
“Oh, that’s right…you’re too primitive to comprehend what I’m talking about.” Omaeda spoke and then used flash step to move behind the arrancar.
“CRASH! GEGETSUBURI!!!” He shouted and hit the arrancar on the head with his shikai. The arrancar fell to the ground and for an instant it seemed like Omaeda’s plan had succeeded but it was too early to celebrate though he did not know that…
“Look at that, arrancar…you couldn’t even survive one hit from gegetsuburi!” he boasted, “And there were a few tricks I wanted to show off too!”
“Let me get up and then you can show me those tricks.” The arrancar spoke. Omaeda instinctively used flash step to distance himself from the arrancar…
“How are you still alive?” Omaeda asked. The arrancar silently strolled towards him.
“I wonder…” he responded, “Perhaps I was motivated to see your tricks.”
“Oh, you’ll see them…” Omaeda spoke as he spun gegetsuburi around and released a massive amount of reiatsu, “KANEMOCHI!!”
The hooks on gegetsuburi’s belly became sharp blades and lightning sparks struck all over.
“This is the true form of gegetsuburi and my strongest shikai attack…” Omaeda revealed, “Strike Kanemochi!”
The first two hits landed on the ground and dug up big chunks of it while the third one was blocked by the arrancar using his zanpakuto. However, lightning bolts from the blades hit the arrancar and sent him flying into the nearby buildings.
“Kanemochi cannot be dodged. It’s just like in life…the rich man always wins!” Omaeda bragged. This time he was confident that the arrancar would not come back but it was still too early.
“Don’t be conceited, shinigami! Riches mean nothing to some of us…” the arrancar spoke from amongst the debris, “SHOW YOUR GLORY! LIBELULA!!”
The debris all around was blown away by the surge in the arrancar’s reiatsu. He emerged from the debris with a body fully covered in hierro and four upper body limbs modified into blades! Omaeda tried to strike him with Kanemochi Gegetsuburi but the arrancar disappeared from the attack’s path and appeared right in front him faster than he could react! The arrancar made a deadly strike to finish off Omaeda but he stepped away at the last minute. He evaded the attack but not completely and the damage he sustained on his thorax was substantial. The vice-captain of the 2nd squad was breathing heavily and bleeding from his chest…
“Congratulations…” said the arrancar, “You’re the first person to survive that attack.”
The arrancar’s claim might have been true but Omaeda was not feeling very fortunate. “Damn!” he thought, “He almost got me…I cannot let it happen again.” As he completed his thought, the arrancar attacked again and having no time to evade the hit, Omaeda blocked with Gegetsuburi. The arrancar’s blades sliced right through the shikai and reached Omaeda this time. Lightning bolts from the fragments hit the arrancar and burnt him. The 2nd squad vice-captain had lost this fight but no one had won it.
Their colleague had been beaten but none of the shinigami noticed because they were all on the back foot in their respective fights. Ashido, Rangiku, Ikkaku, Kira, Hisagi, Neliel and all the others were injured and things were not looking very nice for any of them.
“What is your name, Shinigami?” an arrancar asked the shinigami with black hair and a red belt again. She too had sustained some damage but her injuries were minimal compared to the others because her opponent was not engrossed in the fight or even interested.
“I am Kurosaki Karin, Vice-captain of the 15th squad.” She responded confidently. It appeared that she was finally ready to fight or perhaps she had realised that if she didn’t fight, she would die. The arrancar made a sudden movement which Karin assumed was an attack!
“GETSUGA TENSHOU!!” she shouted and fired a red getsuga from her sword. It turned out the arrancar was actually only sheathing his zanpakuto. He casually dodged the attack.
“Kurosaki?! I see…” the arrancar jabbered, “Yammy, there’s a Kurosaki here but it’s the wrong one…”
“Huh, what do you mean the wrong one? What are you talking about? We’re supposed to kill them all!!” Yammy responded.
“You haven’t changed at all Yammy-you’re older but not any wiser!” remarked the arrancar, “I never do anything without reason, it’s not in my nature, you must know by now, and the reason I came here was to find the shinigami who killed my brother-nothing else.”
“Hmmph whatever, I’ll just crash the ant myself-don’t mind if I do.” Yammy grunted while raising his fist to punch Karin. The punch was too fast for her to dodge and blocking it with her zanpakuto turned out to be futile. She bore the full force of the hit in her ribs!
“Do as you wish.” The other arrancar said as he walked away with both hands in his pockets. Karin was lying on the ground and she found that she could not move because of all the bones she had broken in her thorax. Her sight was blurry but she could see a big figure approaching. The first hit had left her paralysed and there was little doubt that a second hit would be her death. On one hand, the pain was unbearable but on the other hand, she had a whole life ahead of her. As Yammy raised his foot to crash her head, a tear rolled out of her eye. She was not alone, all the vice captains were cornered and all clenched their sword as some prepared to employ extreme measures. For Karin, there seemed to be not chance of survival as Yammy’s foot came down… 
Suddenly, something hit Yammy on the chin and sent him stumbling into the nearby structures!
Dance, Sode no Shirayuki. Fourth dance, yuki no mori!!”  
Roots of ice spread out throughout the battlefield and al the arrancars were rapidly frozen on the spot in ice cylinders. The shinigami had found their hero-or their hero had found them. Karin was still on the ground and nothing had changed regarding her pain but she was now right where she was safest; beneath her brother’s shadow.

Hello! Thanks for reading. I've noticed there might be some issues with the spacing and that's because I write in Ms word and then paste on here. The '4th dance of sode no shirayuki' is something I made up and it means; 'ice forest'. 'Kanemochi' means 'rich man' and it's also something I made up- it's from Omaeda's personality.

Thanks for your time.

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