Episode IX: Hoodlums I

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"There was calm and there was peace and then suddenly... there was chaos." - Episode#9, synopsis.

“Good morning, captain.” Nanao greeted the head captain who was already up sitting on a chair on the balcony of the squad one barracks. Very early in the morning, he was already drinking sake!
“Good morning, Nanao-chan. Come and join me for a cup of sake.” Kyoraku responded.
“No captain, it’s too early and there’s a lot of work. Too much drinking is not good for your health.” She declined and then scolded him.
“That’s just like you, Nanao-chan…always choosing work over pleasure!” Kyoraku teased her. “You should cheer up. Can’t you see those clouds? This peace could be gone in an instant.”
Nanao looked at the clouds and she too noticed that there was something weird about them. Either they were too thick or not thick enough-she simply couldn’t tell.
Somewhere on the outskirts of Rukongai, in a cave, five hooded figures were gathered around a fire.
“Comrades, today is the day our plan is put into action.” One of them spoke. “Having studied all the strategies of previous invaders and rebels who have fought against the shinigami and failed, I determined how best we can achieve success…”
“Their last war with the quincies showed us the full extent of the bankais of most of the captains and the fact that they’re not invincible. However, I urge y’all not to be over confident. If you get a chance to finish off your opponent, use it immediately. There’s no use explaining to your opponent what your ability is…they’ll see it when you use it to defeat them.”
“Remember…this is a fight we cannot afford to lose. The shinigami claim to be on the side of justice but in this fight, we are for justice and therefore justice will be on our side.”
“Is everything ready?” He asked.
“Yes, everything is connected.” One of the hooded figures responded.
“Alright. Go ahead, let the war begin.” He declared. The other four hooded figures bowed and then they disappeared.
“People of Rukongai and all surrounding areas. Turn your ear to the sky and listen to the voice of reason. I’m going to tell you a truth about the injustice of this world. None of you asked to come to this world, many of you were convinced by a soul reaper that it was time to move on…”
As he spoke, his voice was heard throughout Rukongai. It was as if he was speaking from the sky like some sort of god. All the residents stopped whatever they were doing and listened intently.
“They told you of a better world that awaited you but was there any truth in that? Look around you and tell me if your living conditions could be any worse. This is not the paradise that they promised you. You’re living in a hell you don’t deserve. And yet those same soul reapers who promised you paradise live in luxury in the sereitei. What can you do about it? You may ask. I say; everything. It’s time to demand what is due to you. Burn down this world if you have to. Fight by our side until you attain justice…”
His speech awoke sentiments that were already present in the residents. People all over Rukongai began to riot like they had gone insane. They lit fires and began to burn their own homes and businesses! A revolution seemed to have begun in the soul society.
“Down with the sereitei!!” They chanted. “We want justice!”
After receiving the news of riots in Rukongai, Kyoraku called for an emergency captains’ meeting in the squad one barracks.
“Where’s captain Kurosaki?” He asked when most of the captains had gathered but he noticed that Ichigo was not present.
“My my…head captain Kyoraku, I thought you had called us here for something critical?” Mayuri remarked disrespectfully.
“Indeed captain Kurotsuchi, your deduction is accurate.” Kyoraku responded while fondling his hat. “The sereitei might be under attack and we will need all captains-most especially captain Kurosaki.”
“Ichigo went to Karakura town yesterday…” Rukia revealed and Kyoraku could not hide his disappointment.
“A voice from the sky convinced the people in Rukongai to start rioting earlier this morning...” Kyoraku spoke to all captains’ shock.
“Where exactly?” Hirako asked.
“Everywhere…” Kyoraku answered. “People are rioting all around outside the sereitei gates and I suspect that’s just the opening act of something a lot bigger.”
“Our priorities are; getting captain Kurosaki back into the soul society, keeping the crowds under control and making sure all squads are ready for combat.”
“Captains Muguruma, Yadumura, Roujiiro and Hirako along with all your squads you’re to take care of crowds the rioting outside the sereitei…”
“Huh, Isn’t that a little too gruelling?” Hirako complained.
“Captains Kuchiki Rukia, Abarai and Hitsugaya you will go to the human world and bring back captain Kurosaki…”
“Sending three captains to bring back one captain! Isn’t that a bit too reckless, head captain Kyoraku? Especially if we are under attack.” Mayuri questioned the order.
“Whoever started these riots could have done so at any point in the last ten years.” Kyoraku explained. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they chose to do so on the day after captain Kurosaki left for the human world…”
Clearly, the head captain had thought his decisions through before issuing the orders. Mayuri kept quiet and returned to his position.
“The rest of the captains are to return to their squad barracks and await further instructions. You’re all dismissed.” the head captain ordered. All the other captains immediately left to carry out their orders. Kyoraku remained in the assembly with his two vice-captains.
The atmosphere in the sereitei had morphed rapidly from calm and peace to panic. All the shinigami were rushing all over in a bid to carry out the head captain’s orders as efficiently as possible.
“Captain, can you please move a bit faster…we are falling behind!” A small female vice-captain with dark hair beseeched her captain.
“Calm down, Hinamori…I’m moving as fast I can.” The captain responded. “Besides, Kensei and the others are already there. And I’m too eager to engage in a fight right now.”
“Say captain Hirako, do you think this will be as bad as the Quincy war?” Hinamori asked after a very brief pause. Shinji had not thought about it and hence he did not have an immediate answer…
“I don’t know, Hinamori.” He responded while looking up at the clouds ahead. “It’s a bit cloudier that it was on the day the day the Quincies attacked…that cannot be a good sign.”
Hirako gave his response in a joking manner and yet he was as serious as he could ever be. The two continued to move through the sereitei but silently.
“But don’t worry, Hinamori.” Hirako assured her. “We’ll be fine.”
“At least some of us will be.” He thought to himself.
Back in the 1st squad barracks, the head captain sent away both of his vice-captains.
“Nanao-chan, Okikiba-san…you should go and join the captains outside the sereitei.” He said to them.
“But captain-” Nanao tried to protest.
“You’ll be more useful over there than you are here.” He said to her. “And that was an order.”
After he had clarified that it was an order, there was nothing for them to do but obey. They both bowed and flash stepped away from the barracks.
“You can come out of the shadows now…unless you’re planning to stab me in the back.” Kyoraku remarked seemingly to himself. A hooded figure grew out a shadow the head captain was casting on the balcony.
“Well…I thought I had concealed my reiatsu properly.” The hooded figure commented.
“That you had.” Kyoraku responded while touching his hat. “It is your blood lust that gave you away.”
“Huh! It does take one to know one after all.” The hooded figure replied. Kyoraku’s one good eye glowed at the hooded figure’s remark.
“I suppose, you’re responsible for all the chaos outside…” Kyoraku suggested with one hand on a zanpakuto.
“And you’re correct.” The hooded man admitted.

Hello! Thanks for your time.


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