#66: Heartfelt

81 14 11

Cr: Lully

This is really a nice message. For those who's crying, please be strong. We'll be alright. Even if we can't vote. Yes, it's true. International fans can't vote. We'll pray for our boys to make it through the end. We'll pray that Korean fans will support them until the end. Let's just do our part to vote in maboy missions, streaming their videos on naver, and leaving comments on the official Produce 101 accounts. Make sure you are following all PD101's SNS accounts and heart or like every picture those boys appear in.


It has been such an emotional day for ㄴㅇㅅㅌs, for Nu'est, and for all those close to them. I know a great deal of us have been crying, have been frustrated, heartbroken, and angry among a million other emotions that can feel cripping. A lot of us feel hopeless, too. I'm here to remind you all why there is hope, and why we can't give up.

Since the first episode aired, the boys have trended on twitter, they were #1 on Naver and Daum, and 여보세요 (Hello) was trending on Melon. K-netz who originally cursed the boys for going on Produce 101 have had a change of heart and say they now wish for them to be successful. Since before the first episode aired, Minhyun and Ren have been making many friends and laughing and having fun. Kwon Hyunbin has made himself a good friend to Minhyun. All the little trainees have been swarming them.

I know it's hard to watch our boys, who were the most anticipated boy group in 2012, have to compete against trainees and humble themselves in such a way. To have to stand before an ex-lable-mate and audition for a ranking, and then to have to see her cry because of guilt and heartbreak-because she knows what they've been through and how hard they've worked. Because she feels responsible as a co-founder of Pledis Entertainment. I know it's hard to listen to our boys cry and say they wish they were like juniors. All this is hearbreaking and hard.

But we cannot let our spirit be broken. We have to continue to love and support them with nothing but positive energy. We have to keep a high morale, do what we can where we can. We have to be more vocal now than we even have before. NU'EST is treating this as their last chance to prove that they can be successful. I personally think they're defining success by this show slightly differently than the others. I don't think it's as important to them to make it to the final line-up as it is to gain new fans, new skills, nee connections. What's most important to them is building that Korean fanbase that has dwindled down so much through thr past five years. They love all their fans, but this is a tactic focused on Korean audience, and we ㄴㅇㅅㅌs also need to understand that that is the goal here with NU'EST on Produce 101.

Be vigilant and do not respond to negativity. Do not spread negativity in this fandom, and take care of each other. We need to be there for one another and act as one cohesive unit. Help each other so we can help those boys who deserve the world.

And I think more than anything, as a fandom, we need to let them know we love who they are rather than what they were. Do not let them think they are a one-hit-wonder. I personally find it more important to improve the views on their newer music videos than to maintain #1 viewed boy group debut. They already know FACE is good. Everyone already knows FACE is good. The problem is overcoming that success or even achieving it again. If you want to hold streaming parties, I highly recommend focusing on their 2016 releases. I think that would mean an awful lot more to those 5 boys than to continue to live off of FACE.

Those boys are strong. They are mature and kind and wonderful and I have never know them to give up in the face of adversity, of trials and tribulations. Them appearing on Produce 101 is such proof of that, there are not many idols who would swallow their pride in an attempt to chase their dreams. Think about their determination and the fight they all have in them, and let that be your motivator and your inspiration.

This fandom has more power than it thinks it does. Those boys have a lot of fire in them. We can do this, and I truly believe by the end of it all, we will all be stronger and wiser.

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