#9: Bumzu Mentions NU'EST in his Hard to Meet Person Interview

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cr: http://loves-diary.tumblr.com/post/148454727236/160804-bumzu-mentions-nuest-in-his-hard-to

Bumzu, a music producer at Pledis Entertainment and known friend to the idols that work there, was interviewed for Bugs! in their segment, Hard to Meet Person as the second artist that they've interviewed. The interview goes in depth with Bumzu's relationships with NU'EST and Seventeen, how they produce music together, and his own interests regarding his solo work. Below are excerpts pertaining to NU'EST.

Q: How have you been spending your time lately?
A: Recently, I've finished up Seventeen's album and it's repackage , and now for my album (laughs) I can finally prepare for my solo album. I'm also helping NU'EST with their album, too. They're Seventeen's brother group. They're both groups with a different worldview. I have an interesting project to get started on this time, too.

Q: You worked heavily on NU'EST's last album. It had a strong future sound. Did you work on this concept together?
A: I didn't work on it alone. I worked with other members of the staff, of course. In the process of making that album, I was only responsible for the music. We talk about how the concept and music will work together, and so I'm in contact with them day and night. My studio is in the basement and the office is on the third floor, so we'll rush up and down the stairs from the basement to the third floor for meetings. (laughs)

The members and I have a lot of concerns. How is the current condition of the members, what kind of music are they listening to, how would they like to appear on stage. With these things in mind, the company chooses the concept and I prepare the music. It's a cycle. Seventeen and NU'EST are both like younger brothers that I have known a long time. It definitely feels like home. And we all do music, so there isn't anything we can't talk about. Because of that, we all know each other very well. So even if the process of making albums is difficult, it's enjoyable.

The interview continues on discussing Bumzu's work with Seventeen, but NU'EST is mentioned yet again later on.

Q: It seems like you were very busy [working with Seventeen]. Did you have time to work with NU'EST?
A: While the kids [Seventeen] were having their concert, NU'EST had their comeback. NU'EST's mini album was prepared during the time of the awards ceremonies last year. NU'EST and Seventeen are teams with different views. If Seventeen is jeans and a t-shirt, then NU'EST is suits. They have different colors and expression from Seventeen.

Therefore I have different values in mind [when working with NU'EST]. I worked on the album, but inwardly I had a lot of worries. Speaking broadly, I knew things would be difficult because of the two separate values mingling at the same time. But it actually turned out fresh and interesting. I applied some things I had already been comfortable with, and it worked fine with Seventeen. The digested it well and gave it good energy. Honestly, even though I started working on NU'EST earlier than Seventeen, producing NU'EST's album had me more nervous as I was responsible for the whole album.

With regards to Seventeen, I don't have influence on the concept. I don't have any business with it. But in regards to NU'EST, as much as I worked on the music, I had numerous meetings to discuss the concept. It had to mesh with the other elements. The last album was focused on the fans.

To save from sadness, to pull you from darkness, it was an album that sent the message "we will protect you." We also tried to incorporate a detail regarding love. Looking for love, experiencing new things, and a happy ending, and if you pick out the first letter of each track, it spells out the fanclub's name. These were the kind of details we focused on. The members also worked hard to be a part of the production.

Q: Based on what we've heard from you so far, it seems you see a lot of results from speaking with the members.
A: I try to have a lot of conversations with the members regarding their current condition, what they're thinking. On top of that, NU'EST and I spend a lot of time together as friends. We visit cafe's, eat salmon, go to my office, and eat together. That's pretty much it.

Because we talk privately a lot, if there are any problems with singing, and what they think of the album. Of course, while I am like an older brother to both Seventeen and NU'EST, I am also their producer and such a position should be well maintained. I want their condition to be well and to be capable of working on the album as artists. I focus a lot of my energy to them in those areas. 

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