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Dear ㄴㅇㅅㅌs,

I want to say thank you for reaching up until this book! Thank you for the support although I always disappoint you for being inactive. I can't promise I can update daily, but I won't stop. Until my last breath. I will just stop updating when I'm done with Nu'est (that'll definitely won't come 'cause I'll be forever a ㄴㅇㅅㅌ)

Also, I want to congratulate us for working so hard to keep Nu'est on top! Even though we never reach the top, the hard work is enough. I know Nu'est felt it too. The love and support that we give this comeback is highly appreciated. How do I know? Try watching them in interviews and radio broadcast and you'll know! They are the same funny, lovable guys but what highlighted is that, they are very thankful to us .

That's a good start, right? We can continue it when they release another song again. For now, I think in April, they will be having a concert in Japan (huhu sooo lucky).

I want to thank Pledis Ent for giving their attention for Nu'est.. Can't you notice? Pledis always put their efforts when Nu'est is having a comeback (look for the MVs, scenes, albums, dresses and songs). It's not just a comeback. Compare the MVs to the other artists in Pledis and you'll notice how expensive it costs. Sadly, only fans noticed how awesome they are.. Others always came in conclusion that they are too underrated.

Problem is, after making music videos and songs, Pledis never focus on them. Like what happened when they attended concert (idk where) without a makeup artist. They just wore their clothes so they can perform. Imagine that, it breaks my heart. Completely shattered.

One time I went to eat at Korean Restaurant and heard some girls talking about the video playing in the Restaurant. I was so thrilled to hear what they think especially that 'Overcome' was playing.

Turns out, I should've just close my ears than hear those words...

"The blonde guy looks gay" one girl said.

"Really? He looks a vampire."

"Look at that! Is that really a boy group? There's a long hair!"

"Probably gay bands"

I swear, I really want to strangle them but who am I? I don't want to involve in a fight. Not because of them :/

So, when you encounter this, if you cannot maintain talking nicely (like me) then better shut your mouth than fighting for petty things. You know, we can't please everybody. They have different perspective. Better leave them alone than waste your time for nothing.

Those who judge so easily will never receive some fair treatment. Always remember that. So, avoid judging and try to learn and get to know people. Your decisions and comments will make or break a person. Better be careful not to hurt someone. Words are too powerful so... let's use it wisely.


P.S. I'll try to update tomorrow. For now, I need to rest for a bit (I'm not feeling well, sorry.) And I can't get enough with the gif! Lol.

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