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"So you're the reason the love of my life is gone? You're the reason my one and only friend is God knows where with her? Ivy..what were you honestly thinking? She had escaped! Sh- She had gotten away! What the hell were you thinking to follow her, and not even be careful about it?!" I yell feeling the veins in my neck popping out along with a killer headache,

"God...honestly Ivy what the fuck were you thinking?"

"I don't know! I don't know! I just missed my bestfriend! I just wanted to see her..see where she went in life after these years. I just wanted to see my friend" She said yelling back but then towards the end trailing off into a tone that was almost inaudible before cupping her face with the palms of her hands crying uncontrollably. And then I realized I wasn't the only one who was hurting. Ivy, as suspicious to me as she was hurting too. She was sad too. She...missed Kensly too. I decided to trust her in that moment and texted Stalon back in that very moment and let him know where I was and that I would explain things to him once he arrived. I got out the car and walked inside the Wafflehouse looking around to see anyone alarming before grabbing some napkins and walking back out to the car and handing them to Ivy. She looked at me as if she had saw a ghost.

"I'm upset with you..but I'm not heartless." I say looking back at her before getting back in the car. She blowed her nose before she finally turned back to me and just started speaking. As we both sat there waiting for Stalon to come she told me practically her life story. She told me her name was Ivy Lessons, well..that was the name given to her so many years ago that she could only remember that her original had only started with a J. She had no memory of what her middle name or last name. That's if she had one. She also spoke about what Kensly was like as a child. She said she had always had that full head of hair, but it was a tad bit crazier as a child, she also said Kensly was very goofy and outgoing with the other girls. But most of all she remembered her strong spirit. No matter what happened, Kensly remained strong. Ivy also said this helped her, and all the other girls trapped there. She said, "You could never be sad or upset around Kensly for long..it's like she couldn't stand to see you upset so she did everything in her power to make you smile, even if that meant getting in trouble with Mama Rose and Mr.Marks. She would do anything for a smile, including her own." After hearing all of what she said I really had no words. You hear about these things all the time on the news, or in those action packed movies such as "Taken", about the horrors of human trafficking and the terrible things that happen to those young men and women but it's never close to you so there is a sort of empathy you muster up to feel for the crying and pleading mothers and fathers on the news. But this..this was different. It was someone I knew. There was no need for empathy because I knew exactly how it felt to loose a loved one to this horrid slave trade. It was close to home; it was my home. These thieves! These bandits of the night and of innocence had creeped into the night as the moon and God their only witnesses and sought out my house. They sought out my Kensly; my baby. These...monsters not only took her once from the confines of her first home, tearing away from her the only place she knew to call home but a second time, from her second home. What kind of human was capable of such things? And in all honesty were they worthy to even be considered humans anymore? I say no. They were not even worthy to even be called humans because they were nothing close to it of the sorts. They were monsters. Plain and simple. After taking notes about the conditions of where they were kept as children and their experiences, alined with the case details I already knew, and Kensly's poems there were chilling exact matches. I begin to make a list of these matches:

Common Facts
1) Girls at the age of 5 are kidnapped.
2) Girls are kept until adulthood then trained in the craft or killed. (If they don't escape)
3) A head woman kidnapper with a rose tattoo. Referred to as, "Mama Rose"
4) A head male kidnapper. He is referred to as "Mr.Marks".
5) A teddy bear with the child's name or first name initial is left at the child's home.
6) Girls are taken from all over the United States and only the United States.
7) Girls names are changed immediately after they are taken.
I go to start the next line in the list then totally loose my train of thought when I see a car pull next to us and park. No one immediately gets out of the car after it turns off so I begin to think we've been found. Before I can get the words out of my mouth Ivy locks the car doors and waits. As do I, in silence. After a while we both turn and look at each other then look back to the car, then I receive a text. I take my phone from my back pocket and see it's Stalon.

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