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My one morning class went by quite quickly, as I walked out of the room I texted Cara to meet me at your usual place, Dot in 10 mins. She immediately texts me back with,

"Alright, bout time we get together love, see you there(Red Heart Emoji)" I read her message and then make my way there, I needed to talk to about all that was going on to someone. I needed to talk to someone I trusted. I don't even half way step into the door when Cara attacks me with hugs and kisses rambling so fast I can barely understand a single word!

"ALIIIIIIIII!!!! OMG! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?!?! Any breaks in the case???? Are you okay? Do you need to stay at my place? Have you heard from her folks? Is the-"

"Woah woah woah..Cara, one at a time please, and even before that, can we get some hot chocolate ?" I interrupt looking towards the counter as she slowly let's go of me and sighs.

"I'm sorry Ali..I've just been really worried about you. You haven't been yourself since.."She trailed off looking at me as we both made eye contact then look away before hugging me again then proceeding to order us hot chocolates,

"Go find us a table so we can do some catching up to do." I did as she said. As I sat at the table waiting for Cara I noticed I had received a text message from Detective Stalon. It read,

"Are you busy? I would like to talk with you."

"I am talking with a friend, but I can meet you. When would you liked to meet?" I text back then lock my phone again. Cara sets down with our hot chocolates and a smile on her face that can't help but make you feel a sense of comfort.

"So, what's on your mind best friend?"She says right before taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Well..a lot these days Cara." I reply back taking my cup into my hands just to feel the warmth,

"There's a lot I want to tell you Cara honestly, and these days you seem like the only person I can truly trust at the moment."

"Well tell me Ali, for real. I am here for you anytime, any day. You know this" She says leaning in closer,

" What's really up fam?"

"Look, let's go to your house. We need somewhere quiet where no one can hear us." I say as I nods towards the window at an middle to older aged gentlemen, fair skin, and some what of a balding head. Cara turns her head slightly nodding as we get up, and try to walk as calmly and as normally out of Dot as we could. But as we walk out, our new found friend also does, and continues to as we purposely take to left turns just make sure of it. As we walk I look to Cara saying very calmly,

"I am going to text Detective Stalon that we may in danger, where should we go to meet him?"

"He should...Yeah tell him meet us in the Square next to Pexington Hall." She says as she looks around, then back at me as I text the message. As we walk, Cara tries to get a picture of the man, at least 4 times but is unsuccessful in her attempts. To be honest I couldn't get how he could avoid the camera's view at just the right time, maybe this was something he was use to, maybe it was his job. With a quickened pace we made it to the Square 6 minutes early, as we sat down Cara kept tapping her legs.

"Cara what is wrong with you?" I say looking over at her literally squirming around in the bench chair.

"Ali, I really gotta go pee. I'ma be right back, alright?" She says as she stands to her feet, hitting me once I didn't turn to face her,


"Damn..alright." I say finally turning to face her while rubbing my right shoulder. I watched her go into the bathroom then looked around trying to see if that man was anywhere to be seen. Almost 5 minutes pass and I don't see her walk, so I get up and start walking over to the bathroom. I walk inside to see what's taking so long and call her name--No one answers.

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