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        I wake up to some strange noise...is that screaming? As I look around rubbing my eyes I see two dark figures I think but I'm not sure and I hear a sort of shuffling noise. Being 3 am when I look at the clock I try and turn on the lamp.

"Baby...is that you?" I ask still fumbling with lamp switch, there's no answer. I reach over in the bed. Fuck she's not the-

"ALI!" I hear her scream. I rung in my head, before I knew it I was scrambling to get to her tripping over all kinds of shit. Damn you glasses! Where the fuck are you when I actually want to wear you?! I finally run to my door and as I'm scaling the stairs Kensly's thrown in the back of this black e350 Mercedes with no tags. It speeds off and as I run after I scream to the top of my lungs hoping this is all a dream and I'm about to wake up. I collapse in the middle of the street trying to slap myself awake...God. This is real. This is all fucking real. I jump up as soon as I see someone coming out of their house and run to them.

"Please! Please please help me! My girlfriend's gone! Someone--Mmm! Someone took her! God please help me!" I try to get out before I completely start to loose my composure.

"Okay okay okay, it's okay." The man says then turns to his wife standing behind him saying,

"Honey go call 911." He tries to ask me what happened but by this time I can barely get a single word out let alone a damn sentence. I can't believe I lost her...I was too slow! I should have been faster! And I should have been quicker and more alert and just..Uh! Just not Ali! Just someone better! Someone who could save their girlfriend...As I sit on this family's porch swing I faintly notice the sound of sirens nearby in the distance but my mind is far gone from this plane by then...The Ali Yates you once knew was nowhere to be found.

         I hear in the distance as I set in this lonely chair across from this stranger

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         I hear in the distance as I set in this lonely chair across from this stranger. I couldn't help but think about what I could have done better, if she was okay, who were those people and what the hell did they want with Kensly.

"Ma'am..Ma'am are you there ?" A man says snapping in my face causing me to jump.

"Oh...yeah I'm sorry. Where were we again?" I say finally unclenching my fist letting the blood rush back into my hands.

"We haven't even started yet" The man says as he sets down with his files and coffee looking at me hard,

"We haven't even started yet" The man says as he sets down with his files and coffee looking at me hard,

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"Anyways... I am Detective Stalon. I am the Detective assigned to your case, now I need you, from beginning to end to describe to me as much as you can about what occurred just a couple hours ago."

"I can't believe this is all real..Okay so at first I thou- Wait why the fuck are you sitting here instead of following leads because I know you already have to have some?" I say leaning forward in my chair looking him dead in his eyes,

"Where is she?"

"Ma'am I asked YOU a question first, now as I asked before can you tell me the events that transpired early this morning?" He says leaning foreword returning that same intense stare. I crook my eye thinking to myself should I speak to show my intentions are nothing but good and all I want is my girlfriend back or should I plead to the fifth due to the fact some of my story is hazy because of my emotional stare right now. I can barely focus on him let alone my own failure to protect Kensly..I didn't get through 4 years of college and half a year in law school just on my looks.

"Look..Ima be honest with you Detective Stalon..some of this shit is hazy because I'm worried, stressed and tired asf and I can't fucking think straight so if I get anything please do not count those as inconsistencies within my story, okay?" I say looking down rubbing my head trying to deal with the excruciating pain coming from my temple.

"Inconsistency? You have some knowledge of Law Enforcement?" Det. Stalon replies back with while pulling out a small purple note pad and a scruffy old black ballpoint pen and clicks, ready to write things down.

"I'm a student...I thought you would know that considering the significant other is always looked at first when any crime is committed against their love one. But you know...I really don't know what the hell happened...I swear it honestly felt like it was the terrible and most fucked up dream ever and then as I laid in that road pinching and slapping myself insane I realized I wasn't dreaming anything...I wasn't dreaming a single thing. When I woke up it was to a scream, then as I look around in the darkness I heard shuffling noises. I looked over  at the clock to see it was three a.m. When I turned back to look for her I sa-"

"Her?" He says finally looking up from the notepad interrupting me.

"Kensly." I say sighing shaking my head still going over and over in my head on what happened.

"What's Kensly's last name?" He ask writing some more things down.

"Thompson. Kensly Thompson"I reply with before I feel my side vibrate honestly scaring the shit out of me. I reach down looking at my phone realizing I have over sixty-seven text messages and thirty voice mails left by various people. I do a quick scroll through before just throwing my phone down on the counter.

"You seem to have a lot of frustration Miss Yates, can I ask where that's from?" He says looking up at me and I look at him cocking my eyebrow.

"Frustration? Stress? Aha! Are you fucking kidding me dude? My girlfriend just got kidnapped out of the confines of my home but some guy in a unmarked black Mercedes! Why the hell wouldn't anyone be upset, stressed, and frustrated by that chain of events?" 

"Okay, okay. You're right, my apologies, I'm only trying to help. Do you have anywhere to be today?" He ask finally putting away that ugly black pen. Then I notice his big pinky ring..ones like you know, the Italian mob wore? Just like that...didn't know a detectives' paycheck paid for all that. Now that I start to think about it...they don't. So I lie and say I had tutoring for a midterm when they aren't until next week. I had to get out of there, something was off about that man..I just couldn't put on finger on it. As I get up he shakes my head and walks me out to the desk and ask do I have a place to stay for a while. I lie again and say yes as I walk out calling Cara. She instantly picks up.

"OH MY GOD!!! YOU'RE OKAY! YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK! IT'S ALL OVER THE NEWS ALI! God are you okay?" She says finally seeming to take a breath.

"No...can I come and stay at your house? Just for a little while, until my house is no longer a-a"

"I know honey, it's okay. I'll be down there to pick you up in a couple of mins" She interrupts as I feel the tears start to swell up in the bottoms of my eyes and my voice start to shake.

"Thank you." I seem to choke out between the tears and deep breaths inhaled through my nose.

"Anytime" Cara says back. I can hear the sadness in her voice as she hung up. I put my phone back in my pocket and take a sit down ok the curb looking down out on street, looking down on all the people, living their ordinary lives, with their ordinary issues. But then there was me. Ali Yates, the girl who's 19 year old girlfriend got kidnapped in the middle of the night on the morning's breaking new column. That was me. That was MY reality. This was my life.

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