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              Where am I...? What's going on? I say as I look around in the blackness. Why is it so damn cold? What is..what is this? I say looking down at my feet as I step in a puddle of cold water. Then I hear someone calling my name, it's faint but it's audible. As I continue to listen I can't help but thinking I know this voice, I know this person but the more and more I try to focus on it the more the room starts to spin all around me. As I fall to my knees my vision now fading in and out as I'm loosing consciousness I realize it was her, it was Kensly. Then I wake up gasping for air and rub my head as I have another one of those lovely headaches of mine that have seem to be non-stop since Kensly's kidnapping just about a month ago. As I sit there rubbing my forehead I feel something wet trip on my hand, as I look up another drop drops right into my eye making me blink be reflex. I get up and get a bucket setting it in that very place of the drip as I grab my phone scrolling through various places of business dealing in leaks, once I find one, I screenshot it and close my phone then press the home button just to stare
***  Ali's Screen saver***

 I get up and get a bucket setting it in that very place of the drip as I grab my phone scrolling through various places of business dealing in leaks, once I find one, I screenshot it and close my phone then press the home button just to stare*** ...

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          I miss the nights like that..just us, together chilling with no worries in the world but paying for ridiculously over priced books for a partnered overpriced class just to get a piece of paper on the wall saying we were college educated, and now that all seems like the least of my worries..I clicked my home button again checking the time, it said it was 4:10 in the morning, so I figured I might as well as get my case file I had constructed for Kensly out and figure out who this bear belonged to, but as I went to walk to my desk I noticed a strange black little book. Before picking up the case file I took the book and opened it. Something of My Dreams...Lotus...Darkness Has No Colors...And Yet It Happened, then it finally hits me that this is Kensly's poetry book. I realize reacquainting our encounters I've always seen this book with her, close and hidden but with her. As I walk back to the couch flipping through page after page I realize there at least has to be 100 to 200 poems in here easily. It's crazy how talented she was..to be able to capture her emotions in such a fashion I had always admired from the very beginning to be completely honest. For now I sit it down to look back at that photo of the bear, and gasp. TEDDY BEAR! That's one of her poems in here! I immediately pick up the book and start flipping through poem and poem until I land upon it,

Teddy Bear.  

Mr. Little teddy bear,

The horrors I feared he witnessed.

His eyes can never close while the devil tears apart my heart without even using his hands,

He can never wipe my tears as I cry into his arms,

He can never look away when the monster with the rose tattoo comes for me in the night,

He could never hold me when fell to my knees in anguish,

He could never run away from this terrible..terrible place.

Mr. Little teddy bear I am sorry,

I am sorry I could not protect you from the nightmares of your dreams, the reality of my life,

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