It's been an hour that lady been with Q in there and my sister seem to be ignoring it coz once she got back and I told her about it she went to her room saying something about sleeping I said okay coz it's not my business, now I'm about to go get my kids from my dad's place along with Kay's kids what a nightmare.Aliyah is 13 now and she thinks she grown but nothing a lil whopping can't handle, Anthony is only 8 years old and a problem like his father while my Alex is only 2 his my sweet baby boy makes sure mommy's happy all the time I love my kids and it pains me that Alex never met Anthony at all since Ant passed away when I was 5 months pregnant so I struggled a little but not that much raising all of them together I had help from my baby girl a pain but caring. I just pulled up at my dad's place...I can hear all the noise coming from inside the house damn these kids are too many. " thank goodness you hear to take them bad ass kids please take them " my daddy's wife said I laughed " I'm pretty sure they ain't all that bad-ahhhh!" I screamed as the Vas almost hit my head " Kamrien Drew you better stop that this instant! " I yelled at who looked like Kam I don't know but they both stopped since their names sound the same too bad " it wasn't me aunty" they both said putting their hands up" get Aliyah and get ready to go home now!" I said knowing that Aliyah gon tear their asses down. after 15 minutes of Gina and Aliyah helping the twin boys deal with them small kids I got them pizza so that they don't bother Kay when we get home and they promised to bath and chill for an hour before going to sleep it's good because I don't think I could deal with all of them misbehaving...once we got to the house they did as promised but Q wasn't having it,he just wanted his mama thankfully Kay was watching TV so I gave him to her while I dealt with my Alex coz his more like Q but smarter yeah " I hope they didn't give daddy 's wife a headache " Kay said as I sat next to her " she really was in a hurry for them to be back here-so how was the check up? I can hear a lot of progress from your voice it's not disappearing from time to time anymore" I said because when she was talking she would talk and some words will just go low so now it's a little bit audible enough to hear " it's getting there yes, I can finally be able to shout in a week's time coz I can tell both Kamrien are getting out of hand " I nodded" they almost threw a Vas at me just imagine " I said chuckling " yeah that do sound like them though " I nodded,it got silent for a minute " Did Quintin leave with Kesha or they still around?" she asked I shrugged" when I left they were still here - you okay with her being here?" I asked She shrugged

" I mean it does bother me but I'm tired of talking about the same thing over and over so I'm gon let him do him, the stressing, the worrying about my marriage almost cost me my life so I'm gon stop with the stress and focus more on my kids this time, what ever happens in my marriage i'll accept it " I thought about it for a minute " you know I value your relationship with Quintin,i always wished I had something like what you guys have,it's not all hope lost De'kay, but I get you and I get where his coming from,from all of this just give him time". " time is what I been giving him, how much time does he want? I'm tired Jasmine, im tired of the fighting, the disrespect all of it im tired -but on the bright side we got counseling tomorrow hopefully it might help it's a start" she says I nodded " mom Rein says I'm ugly! " I chuckled at Gina pouting coming to Kay's side " why did he say that? What did you do to him?" Kay asked " nothin-"." she said I won't get a yes from my lady" we turned to look at Rein and Kam coming down the stairs" and who's this lady? And stop telling your sister she ugly boy if you say she ugly then you saying I'm ugly. Is mommy ugly?" Kay asked faking hurt, I just had to laugh " you're very beautiful mom no doubt but she ugly when she says mean things..." Kam said " who's this lady that's making my babies fight? " the twins looked at each other Gina had to say the name" Shay!" Kay looked at them and shook her head" Sharice? y'all know that's your sister right?" she asked, oh they talking about Sabrina's daughter " by default " Rein said" boy go and sleep it's past your bed time anyway -talking about by default what do you know about by default. Kids" Kay said laughing they all huffed and went " you got dramatic kids" I said " you telling me, Aliyah is the same " I rolled my eyes " but let's be real Jasmine why did you stop 'dancing'? " I sighed I knew this was coming" I can't tell you now Kay sorry" I said she nodded" okay after my meeting tomorrow I want us to go out for lunch with Lay and Mika girl's time, the kids gon be at school anyway..." she said " sound okay " I said I hate mika so I don't know how I'm gon handle this at all.

*********next morning ***


Q and I are on our way to the counselor and I just say things are pretty tense, I didn't see nor talk to him yesterday mainly because I was salty he spent the day with Kesha. The kids are at school ,my sister is at home obviously im worried that she's with Mika alone coz they don't get along at all ...i sighed thinking about it they gon kill each other before the lunch we suppose to have. I got out my thoughts when I seen Q pulling up the building yes we in the same car and not talking to each other...we got out and made our way to the office where we suppose to go .after waiting unpatiently for Dr Cree he finally came " Mr and Mrs Drew good to have you here, hope we all good" he greeted, we nodded.." ohk I see we have a serious problem here, to get down to business Mr Drew what brings us here?" he asked Q " please call me Quintin...even though I'm not comfortable being here I think she should be first " he said pointing to me, I rolled my eyes " Mrs Drew would you like to go first?" he asked I shook my head nodding " uh yes I don't mind to get straight to the point - we was all happy till he chose his work over me and our children pay in mind that I begged him to not go back to the military but he left anyway without saying goodbye...he only left us a note, a simple note saying i'll be back as if that wasn't enough he went the whole full year and a couple of loathsome without getting back to me or his sister,grandma anyone in the family so we had to search for him, his superior told us he was suppose to be home a month before we decided to look for him well me being the concerned wife I took it upon myself to look at it the way I'm suppose to which was getting a private investigator. well 3 months into that the PI got back to me with pictures and everything yes I was hurt and pained that he got hurt on the way back home but I was more hurt when I found out he was being taken care of by his baby mama, well ex that is to say I was heartbroken that wasn't it I was half killed and still am so I stepped out of our marriage and cheated on him with my ex / baby daddy but got pregnant while having the affair sadly I lost my baby...couple of months down the line Q got back to me and called this happens 2 and half years since he been gone he calls and I tell him about my affair and the miscarriage but he hang up the phone in my face then when he came back it got worse when he started throwing the baby at my face and called me a bad mother so yeah I'm not talking to him coz of that! " I said then sat back down comfortably " uh well we dealing with infidelity I see and lack of communication and betrayal - Quintin you have any comments on what your wife said?" I looked at Q, he shrugged" she still stepped out our marriage, got pregnant and lost the a man its hard to digest all of that on the phone or in person really but it was wrong for me to say you a bad mother " he says I ignored that last part coz he meant it " you seem to be upset about something " Dr Cree said pointing at me " pretty much about the fact that he said I'm a bad mother and he meant it while I'm the one that's always here trying my best to be home on time so that I can spend some time with my kids, he don't know I'm a bad mom or a good mom coz his never here I don't understand why he gets to say what kind of a mother I am " I spat I know I'm acting out of proportion but it's wrong in so many ways to tell a woman who is trying her best to be by her kids' side at all times

" we'll get back to the situation with the kids once we done with you both- now Quintin I want to hear your side of the story, why leave to go work when your wife begged you to not leave?" Dr Cree asked" it was either that or be here and play house husband for the rest of my life, I have to provide for my family even though she does but I have to, it's what I want so I went to my work place anyway". " yeah you did and I get that you have to provide for us but why leave when you know you not going to communicate with us in any kind of way? Why go to Kesha-" I cut him off but Dr Cree cut me off" uh there's the problem Kesha I'm assuming it's her name- why go to her when you have a wife at home who can take care of you?" that's the part where I want to know why choose her over me, I heard Q sigh he about to lie" I felt comfortable going to her for help as she was the one I remembered after my accident with the helicopter " oh this I didn't know " hold up you lost your memory but remembered her?!" I am livid right now " out of everyone you remembered her?" I asked feeling my tears come up " yes " he answered okay that's it im done" I'm done...I can't do this anymore" I said getting up to go because I really cannot do this,i didn't think I couldn't handle the truth...because you know what the truth Bad!.

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