Chapter XI

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~~~1 month later~~~

*Ryan's POV*

"Mornin!" I say walking up to mom. "So, I wanted to talk to you about something." Mom says suspiciously. "What?!" I say getting some milk. "College. Are you going? If so, do you have any idea where?" Mom asks. "I don't want to go to college. But, I do want to go to some kind of music school!" I explain. Mom nods her head. I bite my lip at the thought. "Maybe we can sign you up next weekend!" Mom suggested. I shrug, drinking my milk.

"When is Dan coming home?" I ask. "I don't know yet? I'll ask him!" Mom says getting out her phone. I do to. I look up music schools.

~~~30 minutes later~~~

"Hey mom!" I yell. "What?" Mom says looking up. "I found a music school with guitar, drums, vocals, bass, and violin! It's near Brendon's house!" I say. "Ok! I'll look at it! What is it called?" Mom asked me. "Department of music!" I reply. "Cool! And Dan is coming next weekend!" Mom answered going into the living. "Yay!" I say going to my room.

I start practicing some songs when I heard a pebble hit my window. I nearly dropped my guitar. I looked at the window and it was Brendon. Of course. He showed me his phone while on my lawn. I look at my texts. I gasp at what he said. Brendon asked if I wanted to go to a bar with him. I looked what at him with a questioned look. I tap my head. Then I give him a thumbs up. I climb out the window.

"Hi Ry!" Brendon says when I get down. "A bar!" I whisper. "There is a surprise there!" Brendon told me. "Ok?" I say. "Let's go!" Brendon says dragging me there. "Why do we have to go now?" I ask. "Because then we will miss the surprise. And I would be sooooo sad!" Brendon said. We got in Brendon's car and left quickly.

When we got there music was playing. "Come on!" Brendon dragged me to the drinks. Even though we were 18, Brendon didn't care. If my mom found out, she would literally kill me. "2 champagnes please!" Brendon said slamming the table with money. "Brendon!" I say worried. "Don't worry! I know what we're doing!" Brendon says grabbing the drinks. "This is a late birthday present!" Brendon said as we cheered. "To our first drink!" I said clinking our glasses together. Brendon drank it immediately, I took my time. I stared at Brendon until he noticed me. We both laughed and I drank all my champagne. "I love you Bren!" I say happy as ever. I feel the drink getting me a little drink. "I love you to!" Brendon said dancing around.

"Now playing-" the announcer announced. Brendon covered my ears and eyes. "Hey!" I say swatting him. I can hear a little music playing. Brendon drags me somewhere but I don't know where. Brendon opens my ears and eyes. I see 1 of the most amazing thing in the world.

"Fa-" I can't even make out the right words. I see Patrick, Pete, Joe, and Andy in the back. Patrick looks at me and waved at me. I almost die. "I-I. WHAT?!" I yell. I fall into Brendon's arms but I don't faint. "Oh is he ok?" I hear someone ask. I then open my eyes and see Patrick in front of my face. I freeze at the sight of Patrick. Patrick taps my shoulder and smiles. My mouth drops open and Joe laughs. I look at Brendon. "How?" I ask. Brendon points at Fall Out Boy. I start crying and hug Brendon. "That's not it!" Brendon said putting his hand on my shoulder. First, they play 'Thnks Fr Th Mmrs'. And then 'Alpha Dog'. They were amazing. They played a bunch of other amazing FOB songs. Lastly, they played '20 Dollar Nose Bleed'. And they let me sing parts of it!! I died after the concert.

We then went to get some more drinks, and went back in the crowd next, to the stage. "Now playing-" the announcer announced. For some reason Brendon got really excited. He dragged me to the back of the stage. Spencer, and Jon were there. "Oh hi!" I say confused. "Panic! At The Disco!" The announcer said. My mouth dropped open. "Excuse me? We're playing!" I yelled still really confused. Brendon nodded his head and went out on the stage. I followed with Spencer and Jon. I saw Brendon wave to the crowd.

"So, um...we are a new band!" Brendon said. "We have almost 1 album. But, this is all we have!" Brendon said. Brendon played a note to the beginning of 'London Beckoned Songs' so Jon and I followed. Spencer played the beat and we all jammed out. "Stop stalling, make a name for yourself! Boy, you better put the pen to paper and charm your way out! If you talk, you better walk! You better back your shhh up! With more than good hooks, while you're under the gun!" Brendon kept singing the song until it was over. We played every song that we made so far.

"We aren't over yet!" Brendon yelled. "Let's make up a song! Like we always do! And then it becomes a song! I'll start!" Brendon explains. Brendon plays a tune and we all follow. "This 1 is called 'But Its Better If You Do'!" Brendon made up a song title. I smiled when Brendon looked at me. We started playing a bunch of music and it actually turned out good!! People cheered and then we left.

"Come on!" Brendon yelled getting in the car. "Huh?" I am still confused. "Our moms are gonna kill us! Look it's 5:00! We left at 12:00! I think our parents would notice that we're missing!" Brendon yelled driving fast. I sighed and didn't really care if my mom found out. She wouldn't punish me if I told her I just played in the bar and watched Fall Out Boy. Or would she?
I updated today!! But, I won't be updating later today. I'm going on a road trip with my grandma so, I won't have wifi. But, then I'm going to my cousins beach house that has wifi!! But, I won't update there so, ya!! Comment and vote.

- sauce7

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