Chapter II

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*Aubrey's POV*

~~~when she gets to Ryan and Dan's house~~~

I get to Ryan's house and stomp in. I walk to the stairs, Dan goes in front of me annoying me. Now I'm in Ryan's room, watching him cry. I sit down on his bed with him, rubbing his back. "I'm sorry." He says rubbing his eyes. "It's not your fault." I say. "I don't know what's going on with Dan?" He continues crying. He hugs me. I wish he didn't.

Dan came in the room. "RYDEN, RYDEN, RYDEN! Don't forget about Brendon! He's your boyyyyfriennddd." He says longly. I walk up and slam the door in his face.

"Call him!" I say handing Ryan the phone. "I can't." He says dialing Brendon's number. "Why?" He says looking up to me. I sit back down next to him. "Hello?" I hear Brendon quietly. "Hi.....about last week.......Dan has been torturing me by saying 'Ryden!' For about 3 years now..........your not mad..... no!.....well, he did find out....he heard me talk to my mom......ya....she's not mad.....I told Aubrey as well......sorry..........bye!" Ryan finishes. "It feels good right. To just get all the truth out!" I tried to explain. "Ya, I guess so." He says stopping the tears.

"You should leave." Ryan says standing up. "I'm going to do something I will probably regret. But, I'm gonna do it anyway." Ryan says standing up. He points to his door. I go to the door and look at him 1 last time before leaving. I leave and see Dan. He looks at me suspiciously. I walk outside, and my car window says 'Ryden'. "Dan!" I scream, punching my car.

*Ryan's POV*

I walk downstairs, and look for Dan. It seems like everyone left the house. I go back upstairs, in my room, and wait. I hear the front door open. "Hello?" Someone yells. "Wh-who is it?" I ask sacredly. "Ugh! Its Dan!" Dan yells back.

I walk back downstairs. I walk up to Dan, and look at him. I finally punch him in the face. He falls on the ground. Dan's nose starts to bleed. I expect him to punch back, but he doesn't. "What the heck?! I was picking up a gift for you!" Dan yelled. "I'm sorry!" I start to cry.

"Your birthday is in 4 days!" Dan surprisingly hugged me. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Yeah? Why!" Dan asks, surprised. "You seem, off? I woke up with you as a jerk, now your being really nice?" I explain examining Dan. Dan just shrugs. Dan goes upstairs with a box.

"Finally!" Mom says coming in with a big box of stuff. "Your getting my birthday ready now?" I ask watching them. "Sweetie, your birthday is on Sunday." Mom says walking with Dan. "We also have to get school ready!" Mom yells from upstairs. "Ugh!" I say walking into the kitchen. I get some crackers and watch tv. Or I could see Brendon. Brendon.

"Hey mom can I go to Bren's house?" I scream to mom. "Yeah! Of course! But, can he pick you up? If not Dan will take you." Mom suggested. "Dan! Get ready to leave!" I answer. Dan comes downstairs. "Come on!" I say dragging Dan to the car.

~~~5 minutes later~~~

"See ya when you get home!" Dan says with a smirk on his face. "Ya, ok!" I say waving back to him. Right before my hand touches the door, the door opens. I fall forward a little. I see Brendon with a big smile! "Happy early birthday!" He yells hugging me. "Ya, ya." I say putting my hand up and looking down. I walk in with Brendon. He kisses me on the cheek, while walking me upstairs. I smile wide, trying to hide it. "I have something to show you!" Brendon says with a big smile.
What do you think Brendon has? What do you think of part 2? I like asking questions. WHAT DO I SAY HERE. Comment and vote!! Byeeeeeeeee!!

- sauce7

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