Chapter VIII

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*Brendon's POV*

We walk to Ryan's house. We're both quiet the whole time. When we get there it's 12:00. "Wait! My mom is at work and Dan is at college! The house is empty! We'll get in from the window!" I say pointing to my bedroom window. I follow Ryan as we climb up the side of his house. When we get to the window, he opens it and lets me climb in first.

"After my mom comes home, we'll climb out and knock on the door at 2:00. But, should you go home?" Ryan asks. "Yeah. Your mom will be like 'whaaaa' and my mom will be like 'where the hell is Brendon'!" I made my best impression of our moms. Ryan and I laughed.

We played some music on Ryan's guitars.
We made up a song called 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' and 'London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines'. "I like these songs!" I exclaimed. "Me too!" Ryan yelled hugging me.

We hear the front door open. "My moms here!" Ryan whispered. We put the guitars away and climbed back out the window. "Ow!" I screeched as I accidentally hit my head on the top of the window. Ryan rubbed my head and then continued down the roof. "Ahh!" Ryan yelled as he slipped down the roof.

When we get to the bottom, we hide on the side of the house. "It's 1:00!" Ryan tells me. "Ok?" I say knowing he thinks I should leave. "You should go home now. Not that I want you to!" Ryan explains. "I'm gonna stay a little longer!" I say cuddling against Ryan. I close my eyes, hoping not to fall asleep. And I do.

I wake up to Ryan shaking. "I saw that you were asleep, but you looked to cute to wake up! I woke you up because it's 1:40!" Ryan says standing up. I blush a little bit when Ryan talks about me. "Ok!" I say standing up with him. "Bye!" I say hugging Ryan. Ryan waves as I walk away.

*Ryan's POV*

I sit back down where I am. I miss Brendon already. Whenever I'm with Brendon I always have fun. Sometimes I'm shy to be with him because he's so cute.

I start humming 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies'. Then I start quietly singing "I chime in! Haven't you people ever heard of!" Then I stop. I see it's 2:03. I guess I can go in! I think.

Then I remember I forgot my stuff at Brendon's house!! I knock on the door, nervously whistling. "Hey sweetie! Where's your stuff?" Mom answers the door. "Oh! I forgot it at school I guess!" I say walking in. "What about homework?" Mom asks closing the door. "That was in my backpack." I say quietly, looking down. Mom rolls her eyes.

The home phone starts to ring. "It's a call from school?" Mom looks at the phone. I run upstairs hoping the school isn't calling about me. I listen to some MCR and GD. I pretend fall asleep, so I don't have to deal with mom.

5 minutes later, I hear someone knock on the door. "Ryan!" Mom yells. I still pretend sleep. Mom barged in and sees me 'sleeping'. "Awww!" Mom says sitting next to me. My head fills with rage. I hate when people think I'm cute. That's why I paint red over my eyes with lightning. Mom strangely pets my head while I 'sleep'. She finally leaves and closes the door.

My phone starts ringing in my pocket. Shoot! I think still pretend sleeping. Mom barges in again. "Ryan!" She yells. She takes my phone. I don't know who it is though. "Brendon." She mumbles.

She shakes me 'awake'. I pretend to be really tired and confused. That didn't turn out well. "Wha?" I say in a sleepy voice. Mom slaps me right across the face. "Hey! What he hell!" I say immediately getting out of bed. Mom points at me. "I know what you did at school!" Mom angrily yells. "Calm down!" I yell. "I raged because of Sam, then Brendon dragged me out of the school to his house! It's not my fault!" I explain. "Deal with your anger issues! Cause your going to get in big trouble when your angry!" Mom yells then leaves. "Deal with your own." I mumble when she's gone.

"And take your phone! I won't punish you!" Mom yells throwing my phone at me. I hide in the corner of my room for the next 10 minutes.
Does anyone even care about this book? It has 0 views. Laugh if you want!! I don't care. You don't have to comment or vote!! I don't care. Bye and goodnight.

- sauce7

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